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How to: Convert a Static URI to a Hyperlink

  • 3 minutes to read

RichEditControl detects a hyperlink automatically when a user enters a URI. Use the approach described below to convert static URIs to hyperlinks in a loaded document.

Call the SubDocument.StartSearch(Regex) method within the RichEditControl.DocumentLoaded event handler to find all URIs in a loaded document. If the found text is not a hyperlink (i.e., its range cannot be found in the HyperlinkCollection), call the HyperlinkCollection.Create(DocumentRange) method convert the text range to a hyperlink.


using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native;
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public partial class Form1 : Form
  // A regular expression to find a static URI
  private static Regex urlRegex =
      new Regex(@"(?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}([^./]*:[^./]*@){0,1})|www\d{0,3}[.]|ftp[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\([^\s<>]*\))+(?:\([^\s<>]*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'"".,<>?«»“”‘’])",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));

public Form1()
    richEditControl1.DocumentLoaded += WordProcessor_DocumentLoaded;
    // Load a document

private void richEditControl1_DocumentLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Convert text to hyperlinks in a loaded document

  private void CreateHyperlinks()
    Document document = richEditControl1.Document;

    // Start the document update
    IRegexSearchResult result;

    // Search for URIs
    result = document.StartSearch(urlRegex);

    // Iterate search results
    while (IsValidUri(result))
        DocumentRange wordRange = result.CurrentResult;

        // If the search result is not a hyperlink, convert 
        // the range to a hyperlink
        if (!RangeHasHyperlink(wordRange))
            Hyperlink hyperlink = document.Hyperlinks.Create(wordRange);
            // Use the found URI as the hyperlink address
            hyperlink.NavigateUri = document.GetText(hyperlink.Range);
    // Finalize the update

  private bool RangeHasHyperlink(DocumentRange documentRange)
      // Check whether the search result is already a hyperlink
      foreach (Hyperlink h in richEditControl1.Document.Hyperlinks)
          if (documentRange.Contains(h.Range.Start))
              return true;

      return false;

  // Make sure that the application won't crash if the
  // pattern-matching method execution exceeds its time-out interval 
  static bool IsValidUri(IRegexSearchResult result)
        return result.FindNext();
     catch (RegexMatchTimeoutException)
        return false;