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Default Shapes

  • 2 minutes to read

If you are a DXperience and/or Universal subscriber, you can find the default shapes in XML format in the following folder:

[Installation path]\DevExpress 24.2\Components\Sources\XPF\DevExpress.XtraDiagram\DevExpress.Diagram.Core\Shapes\Resources\

The following sections show the available shapes grouped by categories.

Shapes: BasicShapes

This category includes the following shapes:

Can, Chevron, Cross, Cube, Decagon, DiagonalStripe, Diamond, Donut, Ellipse, Frame, FrameCorner, Heptagon, Hexagon, LeftBrace, LeftParenthesis, LShape, NoSymbol, Octagon, Parallelogram, Pentagon, Plaque, Rectangle, RightBrace, RightParenthesis, RightTriangle, RoundCornerRectangle, RoundDiagonalCornerRectangle, RoundedRectangle, RoundSameSideCornerRectangle, SingleRoundCornerRectangle, SingleSnipCornerRectangle, SnipAndRoundCornerRectangle, SnipAndRoundSingleCornerRectangle, SnipCornerRectangle, SnipDiagonalCornerRectangle, SnipSameSideCornerRectangle, Star16, Star24, Star32, Star4, Star5, Star6, Star7, Trapezoid, Triangle.


Shapes: BasicFlowchartShapes

This category includes the following shapes:

Custom1, Custom2, Custom3, Custom4, Data, Database, Decision, Document, ExternalData, OffPageReference, OnPageReference, Process, StartEnd, Subprocess.


Shapes: SDLDiagramShapes

This category includes the following shapes:

Alternative, CreateRequest, Decision1, Decision2, DiskStorage, DividedEvent, DividedProcess, Document, MessageFromUser, MessageToUser, OffPageReference, OnPageReference, PrimitiveFromCallControl, PrimitiveToCallControl, Procedure, Return, Save, Start, Terminator, VariableProcedure, VariableStart.


Shapes: ArrowShapes

This category includes the following shapes:

BentArrow, BlockArrow, CircularArrow, CurvedLeftArrow, CurvedRightArrow, FlexibleArrow, LeftRightArrowBlock, LeftRightUpArrow, ModernArrow, NotchedArrow, QuadArrow, QuadArrowBlock, SharpBentArrow, SimpleArrow, SimpleDoubleArrow, StripedArrow, UTurnArrow.


Shapes: SoftwareIcons

This category includes the following shapes:

Add, Back, Calendar, Collapse, Database, Document, Expand, Filter, Forward, HardDrive, Lock, Network, Permission, Properties, Remove, Sort, Tools, ZoomIn, ZoomOut.


Shapes: DecorativeShapes

This category includes the following shapes:

Cloud, DoubleWave, DownRibbon, Heart, HorizontalScroll, LightningBolt, Moon, UpRibbon, VerticalScroll, Wave.
