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TdxFcObject.PutInFrontOf(TdxFcObject) Method

Displays the current chart symbol on top of a specific chart symbol.


procedure PutInFrontOf(Value: TdxFcObject);


Name Type
Value TdxFcObject


Call this procedure to paint the current chart symbol after the chart symbol passed as the Value parameter by setting the ZOrder property to the Value chart symbol’s Z-order plus one. The chart symbol’s position within the collection matches the ZOrder property value.

Invoking the PutInFrontOf procedure has no visual effect if the current chart symbol:

  • Is already on top of the Value chart symbol;

  • Is invisible (that is, the ShapeType property is fcsNone or the Visible property is False);

  • Has a zero size;

  • Does not intersect the specified chart symbol.

To show the current chart symbol behind all the others, call the SendToBack procedure.

See Also