TdxFcHitTest Type
Enumerates types of visual objects that the flow chart control can display.
TdxFcHitTest = set of (htNowhere, htByObject, htOnObject, htOnConnection, htOnConLabel, htOnArrowSrc, htOnArrowDst, htOnSelPoint, htOnRotateMark, htOnParameter);
Referenced Class
Type |
dxflchrt.TEnum~htNowhere.htOnParameter |
The corresponding flag is present if the point whose coordinates are passed as the X and Y parameters, is:
Value | Description |
htNowhere | Located in an empty portion of the control’s area. |
htByObject | Within a chart symbol‘s bounding rectangle. |
htOnObject | Within a chart symbol’s shape. Since the chart symbol’s shape is always within the bounding rectangle, the htByObject flag is also present in the GetHitTestAt function’s result. |
htOnConnection | At a connection‘s area. |
htOnConLabel | At a connection’s label. |
htOnArrowSrc | Within the area occupied by a connection’s source arrow. Since the connection’s source arrow is created by its connection, the htOnConnection flag is also present in the GetHitTestAt function’s result. |
htOnArrowDst | Within the area occupied by a connection’s destination arrow. Since the connection’s destination arrow is created by its connection, the htOnConnection flag is also present in the GetHitTestAt function’s result. |
htOnSelPoint | Within the area occupied by an anchor point of any selected chart symbol or connection. |
htOnRotateMark | Within the rotation mark’s bounding rectangle. |
The chart symbol’s HitTest function references the TdxFcHitTestType.
See Also