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TdxFcHitTest Type

Enumerates types of visual objects that the flow chart control can display.


TdxFcHitTest = set of (htNowhere, htByObject, htOnObject, htOnConnection, htOnConLabel, htOnArrowSrc, htOnArrowDst, htOnSelPoint, htOnRotateMark, htOnParameter);

Referenced Class



The corresponding flag is present if the point whose coordinates are passed as the X and Y parameters, is:

Value Description
htNowhere Located in an empty portion of the control’s area.
htByObject Within a chart symbol‘s bounding rectangle.
htOnObject Within a chart symbol’s shape. Since the chart symbol’s shape is always within the bounding rectangle, the htByObject flag is also present in the GetHitTestAt function’s result.
htOnConnection At a connection‘s area.
htOnConLabel At a connection’s label.
htOnArrowSrc Within the area occupied by a connection’s source arrow. Since the connection’s source arrow is created by its connection, the htOnConnection flag is also present in the GetHitTestAt function’s result.
htOnArrowDst Within the area occupied by a connection’s destination arrow. Since the connection’s destination arrow is created by its connection, the htOnConnection flag is also present in the GetHitTestAt function’s result.
htOnSelPoint Within the area occupied by an anchor point of any selected chart symbol or connection.
htOnRotateMark Within the rotation mark’s bounding rectangle.

The chart symbol’s HitTest function references the TdxFcHitTestType.

See Also