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TdxFcObject Properties

A chart symbol.
Name Description
AdvancedShape Specifies an XML-based shape for the chart symbol.
Angle Specifies a rotation angle (in degrees) for an XML-based shape.
BkColor Specifies the chart symbol background color.
BorderStyle Specifies the border style for the rectangular chart symbol.
ConnectionCount Returns the total count of the connections which belong to the current chart symbol.
Connections Provides indexed access to all the connections between the control‘s chart symbols.
CustomData Specifies the text string associated with the current chart symbol.
Data Points to any arbitrary data, associated with the chart symbol or connection. Inherited from TdxFcItem.
Destroying Identifies whether the item is about to be destroyed. Inherited from TdxFcItem.
EdgeStyle Specifies the border style for the rectangular chart symbol.
Font Specifies the chart symbol or connection font settings. Inherited from TdxFcItem.
Height Specifies the chart symbol height, in pixels.
HorzImagePos Specifies picture’s relative horizontal alignment within the chart symbol’s client area.
HorzTextPos Specifies the text‘s relative horizontal alignment within the chart symbol’s client area.
ImageIndex Specifies an image displayed within the chart symbol.
IsUnion Identifies if the current chart symbol has an anchored chart symbol.
Left Specifies the chart symbol’s horizontal pixel position within the control‘s client area.
LinkedObjectCount Returns the total count of the connections between the current chart symbol and the others.
LinkedObjects Stores the references to the chart symbols attached to the current chart symbol by the connection.
ObjectCount Returns the number of the current chart symbol’s immediate descendants.
Objects Provides indexed access to the current chart symbol’s descendants.
Owner Provides access to the flow chart control to which the current chart symbol or connection belongs. Inherited from TdxFcItem.
ParentFont Specifies if the chart symbol or connection updates the font settings from the control. Inherited from TdxFcItem.
RealHeight Returns the chart symbol’s on-screen height, in pixels.
RealLeft Identifies the chart symbol’s horizontal pixel position within the control‘s client area.
RealTop Identifies the chart symbol’s vertical pixel position within the control‘s client area.
RealWidth Returns the chart symbol’s on-screen width, in pixels.
Selected Specifies the item selection. Inherited from TdxFcItem.
ShapeColor Sets the chart symbol shape color.
ShapeStyle Specifies the chart symbol shape outline drawing style.
ShapeType Sets the chart symbol shape type.
ShapeWidth Specifies the chart symbol line width, in pixels.
Tag Specifies the chart symbol’s ID.
Text Specifies a text string that chart symbol or connection can display. Inherited from TdxFcItem.
Top Specifies the chart symbol’s vertical pixel position within the control‘s client area.
Transparent Specifies the chart symbol’s Z-order.
VertImagePos Specifies picture’s relative vertical alignment within the chart symbol’s client area.
VertTextPos Specifies text‘s relative vertical alignment within the chart symbol’s client area.
Visible Specifies the chart symbol’s visibility.
Width Specifies the chart symbol width, in pixels.
ZOrder Specifies the chart symbol’s position relative to the other chart symbols.
See Also