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ShowFlowChartEditor(TdxFlowChart,string,TdxFlowChartEditorOptions) Method

Invokes the ExpresssFlowChart Editor dialog for the specified flow chart control.


function ShowFlowChartEditor(AChart: TdxFlowChart; AEditorCaption: string; AOptions: TdxFlowChartEditorOptions = nil): Boolean;


Name Type
AChart TdxFlowChart
AEditorCaption string
AOptions TdxFlowChartEditorOptions




This function shows the ExpressFlowChart Editor dialog form that is automatically registered after you load the corresponding unit to the project. Pass the target control and the required dialog caption as the AChart and EditorCaption parameters, respectively. The AOptions parameter allows you to include shapes in legacy format in the toolbox. Use this option if you need to support backward compatibility in your applications. TdxFlowChartEditorOptions class declares methods whose return values you can pass as the parameter.

This function invokes the Customize function of the ExpressFlowChart Editor dialog form manager stored in the dxFlowChartCustomizeFormManager global variable.

The ShowFlowChartEditor function returns True if the closed dialog saved pending changes; otherwise, False.

The following table lists the dialog form types and the corresponding units you need to add to your project’s uses clause to be able to invoke them by the ShowFlowChartEditor function call:

Dialog Type Unit
Standard dxfcEdit
Advanced dxfcEditAdv
Ribbon-based dxFlowChartDesigner


The ShowFlowChartEditor function call has no effect if there are no registered ExpressFlowChartEditor forms.

See Also