TdxFcObject Class
A chart symbol.
TdxFcObject = class(
Chart symbols are the basic building blocks that constitute a diagram. You can create, rearrange and connect the blocks by various ways.
The TdxFcObject class provides the following members that allow you to:
Create or delete a chart symbol (Create and Destroy);
Apply an advanced shape to the chart symbol (AdvancedShape);
Modify the chart symbol Z-order (BringToFront, SendToBack, PutInFrontOf, and Transparent);
Customize the chart symbol’s appearance (BkColor, BorderStyle, EdgeStyle, ShapeColor, ShapeStyle, and ShapeType);
Add/remove the chart symbol to/from a specific group (AddToUnion and RemoveFromUnion);
Align the chart symbol’s content (HorzImagePos, VertImagePos, HorzTextPos, and VertTextPos).
The following TdxCustomFlowChart class’ members reference a TdxFcObject object:
CreateObject and GetObjectAt functions;
Objects, SelectedObject, SelectedObjects properties.