TdxStatusBarKeyboardStatePanelStyle.KeyboardStates Property
Defines which keyboard indicators are visible on the status bar.
property KeyboardStates: TdxStatusBarKeyboardStates read; write; default [dxksCapsLock, dxksNumLock, dxksScrollLock, dxksInsert];
#Property Value
Type |
Tdx |
Use the KeyboardStates property to specify which indicators will be visible on the status bar panel. Four indicators are available: INSERT, CAPS LOCK, SCROLL LOCK and NUM LOCK. By modifying KeyboardStates, you can specify which you wish to display. For example, it may be appropriate to hide the SCROLL LOCK indicator in the text processing applications, as the scroll lock functionality is rarely used now.
As an example, to hide the SCROLL LOCK indicator, follow the instructions below:
Select the status bar object.
Switch to the Object Inspector and click the ellipsis button next to the Panels property.
In the Panels collection editor, select the relevant container panel.
- In the Object Inspector, find the PanelStyle property.
- Find and expand the KeyboardStates property.
- Reset the dxksScrollLock flag.
After these operations, the status bar may look like the following (the SCROLL LOCK indicator is hidden):
You may also change the appearance of the indicators at runtime by accessing the KeyboardStates property in your code.
The default value of the KeyboardStates property is [dxksCapsLock,dxksNumLock,dxksScrollLock,dxksInsert].