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TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions Class

Stores HTML document import settings.


TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions = class(


HTML import routines interpret tags in a source HTML document based on settings implemented in the TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions class.

Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions class that allow you to change how a Rich Edit control or a Document Server component interprets HTML tags during a document load operation.

Specifies if images are loaded synchronously or asynchronously during an HTML document import operation.
Adjusts the timeout for loading images and other resources depending on the expected image loading speed.
Disables or enables automatic character encoding detection for imported documents.
Defines character encoding for imported HTML documents.
Allows you to ignore character encoding defined in the META tag of an imported HTML stream.
Specifies if HTML import routines replace all white space characters within preformatted text with non-breaking characters.
Allows you to use floating objects as inline objects.
Returns the importer options type.

Direct TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions Class References

The Options.Import.Html property of a Rich Edit control and a document server component references a TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions object.

Important Limitations

The Rich Edit control and the Document Server component have no web browser or HTML editor functionality because they do not work with HTML tags directly. HTML import routines interpret HTML tags in a source document and build a document model in an internal Rich Edit XML-based format.

HTML import routines support only a limited subset of the modern HTML standard, and an imported document displayed in a Rich Edit control may look different compared to a modern web browser.

See Also