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TdxHtmlDocumentImporterOptions.IgnoreMetaCharset Property

Specifies if the Rich Edit component ignores the character encoding specified in the META tag of an imported HTML document.


property IgnoreMetaCharset: Boolean read; write; default False;

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean False

If True, the Rich Edit component ignores the character encoding in the META element. If False, the Rich Edit component uses the META tag to identify the character encoding in an imported HTML document.


Set the IgnoreMetaCharset property to True to display an imported HTML document correctly if its actual encoding differs from the character encoding specified in the META tag. Such a character encoding mismatch may occur if an HTML document is imported from a stream.

You can use the Rich Edit component’s Options.Import.Html.Encoding property to specify the character encoding explicitly for all imported HTML documents.

The IgnoreMetaCharset property’s default value is False.

See Also