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IdxRichEditShape Members

Exposes a floating shape within the document’s shape collection.


Name Description
Fill Provides access to the floating shape’s background appearance settings.
HorizontalAlignment Specifies how the floating picture or text box is placed horizontally in relation to the selected document item.
Line Provides access to outline appearance settings of the floating picture or text box.
LockAspectRatio Specifies if an end-user can change the floating shape’s aspect ratio by using the corner sizing handles or the Layout dialog.
MarginBottom Specifies the bottom margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the floating shape’s bounding rectangle and the parent document’s text.
MarginLeft Specifies the left margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the floating shape’s bounding rectangle and the parent document’s text.
MarginRight Specifies the right margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the floating shape’s bounding rectangle and the parent document’s text.
MarginTop Specifies the top margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the floating shape’s rectangle and the parent document’s text.
Name Specifies a unique name of the floating shape within the parent document’s shape collection.
Offset Specifies the floating shape’s position offset (in the parent document’s measurement units) from a base document position.
OriginalSize Returns the floating shape’s initial dimensions in the parent document’s measurement units.
Picture Provides access to the Office Image container that hosts the source bitmap of the floating shape (picture).
PictureUri Specifies the hosted image‘s universal resource identifier.
Range Returns the document range to which the floating shape is anchored.
RelativeHorizontalPosition Specifies the type of the document item that serves as the floating shape’s base horizontal position.
RelativeVerticalPosition Specifies the type of the document item that serves as the floating shape’s vertical position.
RotationAngle Rotates the floating picture or text box.
ScaleX Specifies the scale factor applied to the floating shape’s original width.
ScaleY Specifies the scale factor applied to the floating shape’s original height.
Size Specifies the floating shape’s on-screen dimensions in the parent document’s measurement units.
TextBox Provides access to the text box within the floating shape.
TextWrapping Specifies how the floating picture or text box is positioned in relation to the “text” layer of the parent document.
VerticalAlignment Specifies how the floating picture or text box is placed vertically in relation to the selected document item.
ZOrder Specifies the floating shape’s custom Z-order.


Name Description
GetFill Returns the floating shape’s background fill settings.
GetLine Returns the floating shape’s outline appearance settings.
GetOffset Returns the floating shape’s position offset (in the parent document’s measurement units) from a base document position.
GetOriginalSize Returns the floating shape’s initial dimensions in the parent document’s measurement units.
GetPicture Provides access to the Office Image container that hosts the floating picture’s source bitmap.
GetPictureUri Returns the hosted image’s universal resource identifier.
GetRange Returns the anchor position of the floating picture or text box.
GetRotationAngle Returns the floating shape’s rotation angle in degrees.
GetScaleX Returns the scale factor applied to the original width of the floating picture or text box.
GetScaleY Returns the scale factor applied to the original height of the floating picture or text box.
GetSize Returns the on-screen dimensions (in the parent document’s measurement units) of the floating picture or text box.
GetTextBox Provides access to the content and settings of a floating text box.
GetTextWrapping Identifies how the floating picture or text box is positioned in relation to the parent document’s “text” layer.
GetVerticalAlignment Identifies how the floating picture or text box is positioned vertically in relation to the selected
SetPictureUri(string) Assigns the specified string as the hosted image’s universal resource identifier.
SetRotationAngle(Single) Rotates the floating picture or text box at the specified angle in degrees.
SetScaleX(Single) Scales the floating picture or text box horizontally.
SetScaleY(Single) Scales the floating picture or text box vertically.
SetSize(TdxSizeF) Resizes the floating picture or text box.
SetTextWrapping(TdxRichEditTextWrappingType) Changes the floating shape’s position in relation to the parent document’s “text” layer.
See Also