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TdxRichEditDocumentFormat Enum

Enumerates document formats available in Rich Edit components.


TdxRichEditDocumentFormat = (


Name Description

The document format is undefined. Document import routines iterate through all supported formats to find the best possible match in the target content. Document export routines use the Options.DocumentSaveOptions.DefaultFormat or Options.DocumentSaveOptions.CurrentFormat property to determine the target document format for a new or existing file, respectively.


The plain text format (TXT). Use a Rich Edit component’s Options.Export.PlainText and Options.Import.PlainText properties to customize TXT file export and Import settings, respectively.


The Rich Text format (RTF). Use a Rich Edit component’s Options.Export.Rtf and Options.Import.Rtf properties to customize RTF file export and import settings, respectively.


The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format. Use a Rich Edit component’s Options.Export.Html and Options.Import.Html properties to customize HTML file export and import settings, respectively.

Rich Edit components have no web browser or HTML editor functionality because they do not work with HTML tags directly. HTML import routines interpret tags in a source document and build an internal document model according to the current import settings.


HTML import and export routines support only a limited subset of the modern HTML standard; therefore, imported and exported documents may look different compared to corresponding source documents.


The Office OpenXML file format (DOCX/DOTX, the default Microsoft Word® 2007 document format). Use a Rich Edit component’s Options.Export.OpenXml and Options.Import.OpenXml properties to customize DOCX format export and import settings, respectively. Rich Edit components support document encryption for this format. A document export operation enforces password protection after a Document.SetEncryptionPassword procedure call.


The document binary file format (DOC, the Microsoft Word® format, used as the default document format in Microsoft Office® 2003 and earlier versions). Use a Rich Edit component’s Options.Export.Doc and Options.Import.Doc properties to customize DOC file export and import settings, respectively.



TdxRichEditDocumentFormat is a scoped enumeration type. Use the type name together with a scope resolution token (. in Delphi or :: in C++Builder) followed by an enumeration value to refer to this value. For example, use TdxRichEditDocumentFormat.Rtf (in Delphi) or TdxRichEditDocumentFormat::Rtf (in C++Builder) to refer to the Rtf value in code.

Direct TdxRichEditDocumentFormat Type References

The following public properties reference the TdxRichEditDocumentFormat type:

Specifies the document format used to overwrite an existing file with the document opened in a Rich Edit component.
Specifies the default format for new documents.
See Also