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TdxRichEditControlBase.SaveDocument(TStream,TdxRichEditDocumentFormat) Method

Saves the opened document to a stream.


procedure SaveDocument(AStream: TStream; ADocumentFormat: TdxRichEditDocumentFormat); overload;


Name Type Description
AStream TStream

A target stream.

ADocumentFormat TdxRichEditDocumentFormat

A document format.


If the SaveDocument procedure accepts the TdxRichEditDocumentFormat.Undefined value as the ADocumentFormat parameter, the Options.DocumentSaveOptions.DefaultFormat property defines the target document format.


This procedure variant does not reset the DocumentModelModified property to False.

You can link the SaveDocument and SaveDocumentAs commands to a UI element in your application to allow users to save documents.


The Rich Edit control has built-in support only for the plain text and RTF document formats to avoid excessive dependencies. Refer to the following topic for information on how to enable the DOC, DOCX, and HTML formats: Rich Edit Control: Document Management.

A SaveDocument procedure call cannot export a document to the specified format if it is disabled.

See Also