TdxRichEditControlBase Class
The base class for the Rich Edit control.
TdxRichEditControlBase = class abstract(TdxVCLControl, IdxBatchUpdatable, IDropTarget, IDropSource, IdxInnerRichEditDocumentServerOwner, IdxInnerRichEditControlOwner, IdxRichEditControl, IdxRichEditDocumentLayoutProvider)
This class has the following members that allow you to:
Identify if the opened document has unsaved changes (DocumentModelModified).
Respond to an attempt to close a document with unsaved changes (OnDocumentClosing).
Pre-populate a newly created document (OnEmptyDocumentCreated).
Edit the opened document (Document).
Protect the document’s content from accidental changes (ReadOnly).
Specify if the caret is visible in read-only mode (ShowCaretInReadOnly).
Load and save documents (LoadDocument, LoadDocumentTemplate, and SaveDocument).
Identify if the Undo and Redo commands area are available (CanUndo and CanRedo).
Respond to document content changes (OnContentChanged).
Create a temporary document container (CreateDocumentServer).
Switch between document view modes (ActiveViewType).
Access all document views (Views).
Respond to document display mode changes (OnActiveViewChanged).
Select all the document content and clear selection (SelectAll and DeselectAll).
Identify where the current selection is located (IsFloatingObjectSelected, IsSelectionInFooter, IsSelectionInHeader, IsSelectionInHeaderOrFooter, IsSelectionInTable, and IsSelectionInTextBox).
Switch between automatic resize modes in the Simple document view (AutoSizeMode).
Customize the control’s general settings (Options).
Generate a set of documents based on a single template (CreateMailMergeOptions and MailMerge).
Specify if the control should process the Tab and Enter keystrokes (WantTabs and WantReturns).
Obtain the boundaries of the document display area (ViewBounds).
Close the opened document and create a blank document (CreateNewDocument).
Manage services (AddService and RemoveService).
Change the control’s boundaries (SetBounds).
Do not use the TdxRichEditControlBase class directly. Use its descendant instead.