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TdxRichEditControlBase Properties

The base class for the Rich Edit control.
Name Description
Action Inherited from TControl.
ActiveView Provides access to the active document view and its settings.
ActiveViewType Specifies the active document display mode.
Align Inherited from TControl.
AlignDisabled Inherited from TWinControl.
AlignWithMargins Inherited from TControl.
Anchors Inherited from TControl.
AutoSize Inherited from TControl.
AutoSizeMode Specifies the automatic size adjustment mode applied to the Rich Edit control.
BevelEdges Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelInner Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelKind Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelOuter Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelWidth Inherited from TWinControl.
BiDiMode Inherited from TControl.
BorderWidth Inherited from TWinControl.
BoundsRect Inherited from TControl.
Brush Inherited from TWinControl.
Canvas Inherited from TCustomControl.
Caption Inherited from TControl.
ClientHeight Inherited from TControl.
ClientOrigin Inherited from TControl.
ClientRect Inherited from TControl.
ClientWidth Inherited from TControl.
Color Inherited from TControl.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
Constraints Inherited from TControl.
ControlCount Inherited from TWinControl.
Controls Inherited from TWinControl.
ControlState Inherited from TControl.
ControlStyle Inherited from TControl.
Ctl3D Inherited from TWinControl.
CurrentPPI Inherited from TControl.
Cursor Inherited from TControl.
CustomHint Inherited from TControl.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DockClientCount Inherited from TWinControl.
DockClients Inherited from TWinControl.
DockManager Inherited from TWinControl.
DockOrientation Inherited from TControl.
DockSite Inherited from TWinControl.
DocumentModelModified Specifies if the opened document has unsaved changes.
DoubleBuffered Inherited from TWinControl.
DpiX Returns the number of pixels per logical inch along the horizontal axis.
DpiY Returns the number of pixels per logical inch along the vertical axis.
DragCursor Inherited from TControl.
DragKind Inherited from TControl.
DragMode Inherited from TControl.
Enabled Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitHeight Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitLeft Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitTop Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitWidth Inherited from TControl.
Floating Inherited from TControl.
FloatingDockSiteClass Inherited from TControl.
Font Inherited from TControl.
Handle Inherited from TWinControl.
Height Inherited from TControl.
HelpContext Inherited from TControl.
HelpKeyword Inherited from TControl.
HelpType Inherited from TControl.
Hint Inherited from TControl.
HostDockSite Inherited from TControl.
ImeMode Inherited from TWinControl.
ImeName Inherited from TWinControl.
IsDestroying Identifies if the control is about to be destroyed. Inherited from TcxCustomControl.
IsDrawingLocked Inherited from TWinControl.
LayoutUnit Specifies the measurement unit used for the document layout.
Left Inherited from TControl.
LRDockWidth Inherited from TControl.
Margins Inherited from TControl.
MeasurementUnit Specifies the measurement unit used in a document.
MouseCapture Inherited from TControl.
MouseInClient Inherited from TWinControl.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Options Provides access to the control’s settings
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
Padding Inherited from TWinControl.
Parent Inherited from TControl.
ParentBackground Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentBiDiMode Inherited from TControl.
ParentColor Inherited from TControl.
ParentCtl3D Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentCustomHint Inherited from TControl.
ParentDoubleBuffered Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentFont Inherited from TControl.
ParentShowHint Inherited from TControl.
ParentWindow Inherited from TWinControl.
PixelsPerInch Inherited from TWinControl.
PopupMenu Inherited from TControl.
RaiseOnNonMainThreadUsage Inherited from TControl.
ReadOnly Specifies if the opened document is protected from accidental changes.
RedrawDisabled Inherited from TWinControl.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TControl.
ShowCaretInReadOnly Specifies if the caret is visible in read-only mode.
ShowHint Inherited from TControl.
Showing Inherited from TWinControl.
StyleElements Inherited from TControl.
StyleName Inherited from TControl.
TabOrder Inherited from TWinControl.
TabStop Inherited from TWinControl.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
TBDockHeight Inherited from TControl.
Text Inherited from TControl.
TipMode Inherited from TWinControl.
Top Inherited from TControl.
Touch Inherited from TControl.
UndockHeight Inherited from TControl.
UndockWidth Inherited from TControl.
UseDockManager Inherited from TWinControl.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ViewBounds Returns the boundaries of the document display area.
Views Provides access to all available document views.
Visible Inherited from TControl.
VisibleDockClientCount Inherited from TWinControl.
WantReturns Specifies if an end user can press the Enter key to insert caret return characters into text.
WantTabs Specifies if an end user can press the Tab key to insert tab characters into text.
Width Inherited from TControl.
WindowProc Inherited from TControl.
See Also