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TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.CanAccept(TCustomdxPSExplorerItem) Method

Indicates whether the item can serve as the parent for the specified item.


function CanAccept(AnItem: TCustomdxPSExplorerItem): Boolean; virtual;


Name Type
AnItem TCustomdxPSExplorerItem




The CanAccept method returns True if the item can serve as the parent for the item specified by the AnItem parameter; otherwise, the method returns False. This method is called when moving a report item or a folder to another position. Actually, this method is used by the CanMoveTo method that indicates whether an item can be moved to the specified location.

As implemented in the TCustomdxPSExplorerItem class, the CanAccept method simply returns False. It is overridden in the TdxPSExplorerFolder class to return a proper value.

See Also