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TCustomdxPSExplorer.RegisterNotifier(TdxPSExplorerChangeNotifier) Method

Registers the specified change notifier.


procedure RegisterNotifier(ANotifier: TdxPSExplorerChangeNotifier);


Name Type
ANotifier TdxPSExplorerChangeNotifier


Report explorers hold a collection of notifying objects (notifiers) that perform specific actions in response to changes made to report folders and items. Once a specific action on a folder item has been performed, the explorer scans through the list of all registered notifiers and calls their corresponding methods. For instance, explorers make use of a notifier that updates the tree view control displaying the report’s structure. You can also register your own notifier if you need particular actions to be performed when adding, deleting, moving, or renaming items etc.

If you need the notifier to function only temporarily, call the UnregisterNotifier method when a notifier needs to be disabled.

See Also