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TCustomdxPSExplorer.UnloadItemData(TdxPSExplorerItem) Method

Unloads an item’s data from a report link.


procedure UnloadItemData(AnItem: TdxPSExplorerItem); overload;


Name Type
AnItem TdxPSExplorerItem


To display an item’s content within the preview window, the item’s data has to be loaded into a report link and the associated link should then be made current. Item data can be loaded into a report link by calling the explorer component’s LoadItemData method or the desired item’s Load method. To make a link current, use the component printer’s CurrentLink property. Note that end-users can load item data by pressing the CTRL+ENTER combination when the item is selected or double-clicking the desired item. In this case, the item’s data is loaded into the current link.

To unload the item’s data from the link it has been loaded into, call the UnloadItemData method or alternatively, you can use the desired item’s Unload method. Note that end-users can do the same by choosing the Unload item from the report explorer’s context menu (or the same command in the main menu or toolbar). After an item has been unloaded, the current report link displays its default content (specified by the bound component and report settings).

See Also