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TdxCustomLayoutItemCaptionOptions.Text Property

Specifies the layout item‘s caption.


property Text: string read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

The layout item caption, with support for BBCode-inspired markup syntax and accelerator characters.

Refer to the Remarks section for detailed information on supported formatting options.


Use the Text property to specify a caption of the layout item. Layout item captions support multiple formatting options and can include accelerator characters.

BBCode-Inspired Formatting Markup

Layout item captions support multiple BBCode-inspired formatting tags that allow you to define hyperlinks and apply different formatting attributes to text – bold, italic, superscript, underline, etc. All layout items except for tabbed layout groups support caption formatting.

Refer to the following topic for detailed information on all supported markup tags and design-time functionality: BBCode-Inspired Text Formatting Markup.

The following code example defines a layout item caption with custom formatting that includes a hyperlink:

  dxLayoutItem1.CaptionOptions.HyperlinkColor := clWebOrange;
  dxLayoutItem1.CaptionOptions.Text := 'Visit [B]our page[/B]: ' +

VCL Layout Control: A Hyperlink in a Layout Item Caption


To change the predefined hyperlink activation behavior, you can handle the layout item’s OnHyperlinkClick event.

Accelerator Character

An accelerator character (&) allows you to define a keystroke required to navigate to a layout item. Insert & before the required character to mark it as accelerator in the Text string. The resulting Alt + Accelerator Character keystroke moves focus to the corresponding layout item, even if it is within a collapsed layout group.

The layout item caption displays its accelerator character if the ShowAccelChar property is set to True (default).

The code example in this section demonstrates OnHyperlinkMouseEnter and OnHyperlinkMouseLeave event handlers that update the form caption as the mouse pointer moves between layout item hyperlinks.

The OnHyperlinkMouseEnter event handler displays the caption of the target layout item followed by the URI of a hyperlink in the form caption when the mouse pointer enters a hyperlink area. The OnHyperlinkMouseLeave event handler changes the form caption to a predefined string when the mouse pointer leaves a hyperlink.


This scenario can be useful if you need to display hyperlink targets without hints (if the CaptionOptions.ShowHyperlinkHint property of a layout item is set to bFalse, for example).

procedure TMyForm.dxLayoutControl1HyperlinkMouseEnter(Sender: TObject;
  AArgs: TdxHyperlinkEventArgs);  // Displays the hyperlink target in the form caption
  ATargetItem: TdxCustomLayoutItem;
  ATargetItem := AArgs.Item as TdxCustomLayoutItem;  // Obtains the target layout item
  Caption := 'Target Item: ' + ATargetItem.CaptionOptions.Text + '; Navigate to ' + AArgs.URI;

procedure TMyForm.dxLayoutControl1HyperlinkMouseLeave(Sender: TObject;
  AArgs: TdxHyperlinkEventArgs);  // Displays the predefined string instead of a hyperlink target
  Caption := 'Hyperlink Navigation in Layout Item Captions';
See Also