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TdxCustomLayoutItemCaptionOptions.EllipsisPosition Property

Specifies the position of an ellipsis that replaces a portion of the caption that does not fit into its area.


property EllipsisPosition: TEllipsisPosition read; write; default epNone;

Property Value

Type Default Description
TEllipsisPosition epNone

Specifies the position of an ellipsis in text that does not fit into the target rectangle.


Use this property to truncate long captions in layout elements when their width is limited. Options include:



Example (Single Word)

Example (Multiple Words)

Example (Path)


A layout element never truncates its caption.


Caption text is interpreted as a path. An ellipsis replaces text in the middle of the caption so it fits into a layout element’s caption area. This option has effect on a caption only if it contains a backslash (\) character and attempts to preserve as much text as possible after the last backslash.

This option displays text in the same way as the DrawText GDI function with the DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS flag set.


This setting is identical to epNone if the layout element’s caption has no backslash characters.


Truncates the caption so it fits into a layout element’s caption area and replaces the end of the caption with an ellipsis. This option truncates all text that does not fit into the caption area by width.

This option displays text in the same way as the DrawText GDI function with the DT_END_ELLIPSIS flag set.


If this option truncates one or more whole words at the end of text, an ellipsis does not appear.


Truncates every word that does not fit into a layout element’s caption area and adds an ellipsis to every truncated text line.

This option displays text in the same way as the DrawText GDI function with the DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS flag set.


This setting affects only those layout element captions that consist of more than one text line (that is, if the Text property value includes a carriage return character or the WordWrap property is set to True). epWordEllipsis functions identically to epEndEllipsis if the layout element caption consists of a single text line.


The EllipsisPosition property affects a nested layout item if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The Layout property is set to clTop or clBottom.
  • The item’s width is limited and its parent group does not wrap items.

The EllipsisPosition property’s default value is epNone.

See Also