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TdxLayoutCustomizeFormMenuItems Type

Enumerates the layout control’s menu items.


TdxLayoutCustomizeFormMenuItems = set of TdxLayoutCustomizeFormMenuItem;

Referenced Class



Values include:

Value Meaning
cfmiAlignHorz Aligns a layout element horizontally.
cfmiAlignVert Aligns a layout element vertically.
cfmiDirection Arranges group items within a group.
cfmiCaptionLayout Changes a layout element’s caption position.
cfmiCaptionAlignHorz Aligns a layout element’s caption horizontally.
cfmiCaptionAlignVert Aligns a layout element’s caption vertically.
cfmiCaption Changes a layout element’s caption visibility.
cfmiBorder Changes a layout element’s border visibility.
cfmiExpandButton Changes a layout group‘s expand button visibility.
cfmiGrouping Toggles element grouping. The group operation creates a new parent for a selected group and places the selected group into the parent. The ungroup operation moves a selected group’s contents to the group’s parent and then deletes this group.
cfmiRename Initiates editing a layout element’s caption. Setting the layout control’s OptionsItem.AllowRename property to False disables the menu item.

A TdxLayoutCustomizeFormMenuItems object is referenced by the MenuItems property and the OnGetCustomizationMenuItems event of a layout control.

See Also