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dxLayoutContainer Unit


Name Description
TdxCustomLayoutCheckableItem The base class for all check boxes and radio buttons in the layout control.
TdxCustomLayoutCheckableItemCaptionOptions The base class that implements a checkable item‘s caption options.
TdxCustomLayoutGroup The base class for classes that implement layout groups within the ExpressLayout Control.
TdxCustomLayoutGroupButton The base class for layout group buttons.
TdxCustomLayoutGroupButtons The base class for the action button collection.
TdxCustomLayoutHitTest The base class for all HitTest classes which identify layout control elements (the client area, groups, items, the Customization Form, etc.) whose area contains a specified point (also called the inspected point).
TdxCustomLayoutItem The base class for layout elements within the ExpressLayout Control.
TdxCustomLayoutItemCaptionOptions The base class for all classes that store caption settings for layout items and groups.
TdxCustomLayoutItemHitTest The base class for HitTest classes that identify a layout element whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxCustomLayoutItemImageOptions Contains image options for layout element captions.
TdxCustomLayoutItemOptions The base class for all classes that implement settings for layout items, groups, and their captions.
TdxCustomLayoutItemStorableCaptionOptions The base class for all classes that implement persistent layout caption settings.
TdxCustomLayoutLabeledItem The base class for layout items that can optionally display a caption or label.
TdxLayoutAlignmentConstraint An alignment constraint applied to ExpressLayout Control elements.
TdxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup An auxiliary layout group that the ExpressLayout Control automatically creates within a parent group to maintain the arrangement direction of the group’s children.
TdxLayoutBasicItem The base class for layout items.
TdxLayoutBasicItemHitTest A HitTest class that identifies an auxiliary layout item whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutCheckBoxItem A check box in the layout control.
TdxLayoutCheckBoxItemCaptionOptions Contains a layout check box caption’s settings.
TdxLayoutCheckBoxItemCheckBoxOptions Contains a layout check box item‘s settings.
TdxLayoutClientAreaHitTest A HitTest class that identifies the layout control whose client area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutContainer The base class for layout element containers.
TdxLayoutControlItem The base class for items that provide the functionality of standard layout items.
TdxLayoutCustomizeFormAvailableItemsHitTest A HitTest class that identifies the Customization Form‘s Available Items pane whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutCustomizeFormHitTest A HitTest class that identifies a layout control’s Customization Form whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutCustomizeFormTreeViewItemsHitTest A HitTest class that identifies the Customization Form‘s Layout Tree View pane whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutDirectionalItem The base class for splitter layout items.
TdxLayoutEmptySpaceItem An auxiliary layout item used to provide an empty region within a layout control.
TdxLayoutGroup A layout group within the ExpressLayout Control.
TdxLayoutGroupButton A layout group button.
TdxLayoutGroupButtonOptions Contains settings for layout group buttons.
TdxLayoutGroupButtons The action button collection.
TdxLayoutGroupCaptionOptions Contains caption settings for layout groups.
TdxLayoutGroupCheckBoxButton A check box in a layout group.
TdxLayoutGroupHitTest A HitTest class that identifies a layout group whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutGroupScrollOptions Stores scroll settings for a layout group‘s content.
TdxLayoutImageItem An auxiliary layout item used as an image container.
TdxLayoutImageOptions Contains image settings for the layout control.
TdxLayoutItem A standard layout item within the ExpressLayout Control.
TdxLayoutItemCaptionOptions Contains caption options for layout elements.
TdxLayoutItemControlOptions Contains options for a control embedded into a layout item.
TdxLayoutItemHitTest A HitTest class that identifies a standard layout item whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutLabeledItem A standalone label that can be associated with any layout element.
TdxLayoutLabeledItemCaptionOptions Contains caption options for label layout items.
TdxLayoutLabeledItemCustomCaptionOptions The base class for classes that contain caption settings for labeled layout items.
TdxLayoutNoneHitTest A HitTest class that determines if the inspected point is outside the ExpressLayout Control.
TdxLayoutNonLabeledItem The base class for non-label auxiliary layout items (TdxLayoutEmptySpaceItem and TdxLayoutSplitterItem).
TdxLayoutNonLabeledItemCaptionOptions Contains caption settings for non-label auxiliary layout items (TdxLayoutEmptySpaceItem and TdxLayoutSplitterItem).
TdxLayoutOffsets Contains offsets for layout items and groups.
TdxLayoutPadding Contains layout item padding settings.
TdxLayoutRadioButtonItem A radio button in the layout control.
TdxLayoutRadioButtonItemCaptionOptions Contains a layout radio button caption’s settings.
TdxLayoutSeparatorItem A separator used to visually separate layout elements into small, logical groups within a layout group.
TdxLayoutSeparatorItemCaptionOptions Contains caption options for separator layout items.
TdxLayoutSizeHitTest A HitTest class that identifies a usable (blue) sizing handle shown in customization mode at the inspected point.
TdxLayoutSizeOptions Contains size settings for a layout item.
TdxLayoutSplitterHitTest A HitTest class that identifies a splitter item located at the inspected point when the customization mode is disabled.
TdxLayoutSplitterItem A splitter that delimits two adjacent layout items.
TdxLayoutSplitterItemMovedEventArgs Stores information related to layout splitter movement event occurrences.
TdxLayoutTabbedGroupHitTest A HitTest class that identifies a tabbed layout group whose area contains the inspected point.
TdxLayoutTabbedOptions Contains tab settings for tabbed layout groups.
TdxUndoRedoManager The TdxUndoRedoManager class provides the undo and redo capabilities for the layout control.




Name Description
TdxCaptionLayout Enumerates caption positions within a layout item.
TdxLayoutAvailableItemsViewKind Enumerates available views of layout items in the Customization Form‘s Available Items pane.
TdxLayoutDirection Enumerates available arrangements of layout elements.
TdxLayoutDragDropMode Enumerates available indication styles for drag-and-drop operations with layout elements.
TdxLayoutGroupScrollMode Enumerates available layout group‘s content scroll modes.
TdxLayoutGroupWrapItemsMode Enumerates layout element wrap modes.


Name Description
dxDefaultLayoutCustomizeFormMenuItems Determines the default value of the TdxCustomLayoutControl.MenuItems property.
htAvailableItems Identifies the Customization Form‘s Available Items pane.
htBasicItem Identifies an auxiliary layout item.
htClientArea Identifies a layout control’s client area.
htCustomizeForm Identifies a layout control’s Customization Form area.
htGroup Identifies a layout group.
htItem Identifies a standard layout item.
htSizeHandle Identifies the Customization Form‘s Layout Tree View pane.
htTreeViewItems Identifies the Customization Form‘s Layout Tree View pane.