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TdxCustomLayoutItemCaptionOptions Properties

The base class for all classes that store caption settings for layout items and groups.
Name Description
AlignHorz Specifies horizontal caption text alignment.
AlignVert Specifies the vertical alignment of caption text within the item’s caption region.
EllipsisPosition protected Specifies the position of an ellipsis that replaces a portion of the caption that does not fit into its area.
Glyph protected Specifies the caption’s glyph.
Hint protected Specifies the caption’s hint.
HyperlinkColor Specifies the color of hyperlinks in the layout item caption.
ImageIndex protected Specifies the caption’s image.
Layout protected Determines where caption text appears within an item.
ShowAccelChar protected Specifies whether the item’s keyboard shortcut is in effect.
ShowHyperlinkHint Specifies if a hyperlink in the layout item caption displays the target URI in a hint when the mouse pointer hovers over the hyperlink.
Text Specifies the layout item‘s caption.
Visible Specifies if the caption of a layout item or group is visible.
VisibleElements protected Specifies which caption elements are visible.
See Also