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TdxCustomLayoutGroup Properties

The base class for classes that implement layout groups within the ExpressLayout Control.
Name Description
ActuallyVisible Identifies if an item/group is currently visible. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
AlignHorz Specifies the horizontal alignment of an item/group within its parent group. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
AlignmentConstraint Specifies alignment constraints for an item/group. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
AlignVert Specifies the vertical alignment of an item/group within its parent group. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
AllowFloating protected Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
AllowQuickCustomize Specifies whether end-users can drag and drop a layout group‘s elements (child items and groups) without having to open the Customization Form. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
AllowRemove Specifies whether an item/group can be removed from the layout control to the Customization Form. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
AllowWrapItems protected Specifies if the layout group automatically wraps its child layout elements (arranges them into multiple lines) on group sizing.
AutoAligns Specifies whether horizontal and/or vertical alignment is set automatically for a given item or group. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
ButtonOptions Provides access to the group’s button settings.
Caption Specifies the caption of an item/group. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
CaptionForCustomizeForm Returns a layout element‘s caption displayed in the Customization Form. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
Container Specifies the container on which the layout element is placed. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
Count Returns the number of immediate child layout elements contained in the layout group.
Data Provides storage for user-defined data. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
DefaultCaption Specifies the layout element’s default caption. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
Enabled Controls whether the layout element responds to mouse and keyboard events. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
Expanded Specifies whether the layout group is expanded.
Height Specifies the layout element’s height, in pixels. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
Hidden Specifies whether the layout group is a hidden group.
Index Specifies the layout element’s zero-based index within the Items list of its parent group. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
IsRoot Specifies whether the layout element represents the root group. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
IsUserDefined Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
IsUserRenamed Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
IsVertical protected Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
ItemControlAreaAlignment Specifies the alignment of linked controls within the group‘s layout elements.
ItemIndex Specifies the initially selected layout item in a group.
Items Provides zero-based indexed access to layout elements contained in the layout group.
LayoutDirection Specifies the direction in which the items of a given group are placed.
LayoutLookAndFeel Specifies the look & feel style applied to the layout element. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
LayoutLookAndFeelException Specifies whether child elements of a specific group use its look & feel.
Locked Specifies whether the group and its contents are considered as a single element during end-user customization.
LookAndFeel Specifies ExpressLayout Control drawing style for the layout element. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
LookAndFeelException Specifies whether child elements of a specific group use its look & feel.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Offsets Specifies the horizontal and vertical offsets of the layout element. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
Padding Provides access to the layout element’s padding settings. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
Parent Specifies the parent group of the layout element. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
ScrollOptions protected Provides access to the layout group’s scroll settings.
ShowBorder Specifies if the layout group has borders.
ShowCaption Specifies whether to display the caption region of the layout element. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
SizeOptions Provides access to the layout element’s size settings. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
TabbedOptions Specifies tab settings for tabbed layout groups.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
UseIndent Specifies whether margins are used to separate group element edges from one another.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
Visible Switches the layout element’s visibility. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
VisibleCount Returns the number of immediate child layout elements that are visible in the layout group.
VisibleIndex Specifies the zero-based index of the layout element in the parent group’s VisibleItems list. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
VisibleItems Provides zero-based indexed access to immediate child elements that are visible in the group.
Width Specifies the layout element’s width, in pixels. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
WrapItemsMode protected Specifies how the layout group wraps its child elements.
See Also