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TdxCustomLayoutGroup Events

The base class for classes that implement layout groups within the ExpressLayout Control.
Name Description
OnCaptionClick Enables you to respond to clicking the caption region of the layout element. Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
OnCheckBoxStateChanged Allows you to respond to a state change of the layout group’s check box.
OnCollapsed Enables you to perform specific actions after a group has been collapsed.
OnCollapsing Enables you to prevent a group from being collapsed.
OnEndFloat protected Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
OnExpanded Enables you to perform specific actions after a group has been expanded.
OnExpanding Enables you to prevent a group from being expanded.
OnStartFloat protected Inherited from TdxCustomLayoutItem.
OnTabChanged Enables you to respond to tab switching.
OnTabChanging Enables you to prevent tab switching.
See Also