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TdxChartPaletteRepository.CreateItem(string,TdxChartPaletteItems) Method

Creates a new user palette populated with specified colors.


function CreateItem(const AName: string; AColors: TdxChartPaletteItems): TdxChartUserPalette; overload;


Name Type Description
AName string

The name of the created user palette.

The AName parameter value initializes the palette’s Name property.

AColors TdxChartPaletteItems

The array of items used to populate the created palette.


Type Description

The created user palette.


Call the CreateItem function to create a new user palette with the specified name and populate the palette with colors. The CreateItem function can be useful if you need to use an existing palette as the base for new custom palettes as demonstrated in the code example below.

Code Example: Create Custom Palettes Based on Standard Palettes

The following code example creates a custom palette based on one of the predefined palettes and applies the created palette to a Chart control:

  AStandardPalette: TdxChartPalette;
  AChartPalette: TdxChartUserPalette;
  APaletteItems: TdxChartPaletteItems;  // A dynamic array of palette items used as a temporary container
  I: Integer;
  AStandardPalette := TdxChartStandardPaletteRepository.FindPalette('Nature Colors');
  if AStandardPalette = nil then Exit;
  SetLength(APaletteItems, AStandardPalette.Count);
  // Copies all colors from the obtained color palette into the defined dynamic array
  for I := 0 to AStandardPalette.Count - 1 do
    APaletteItems[I] := AStandardPalette.Items[I];
  AChartPalette := dxChartPaletteRepository1.CreateItem('My Palette 1', APaletteItems);
  // Replaces the third palette item
  AChartPalette.Items[2] := TdxChartPaletteItem.Create(TdxAlphaColors.Red);
  // Adds a new palette item
  AChartPalette.Count := AChartPalette.Count + 1; // Increments the size of the palette item array
  AChartPalette.Items[AChartPalette.Count - 1] := TdxChartPaletteItem.Create(TdxAlphaColors.LightGreen);
  dxChartControl1.Palette := AChartPalette;  // Assigns the created palette to a TdxChartControl instance

VCL Chart Control: An Example of a Custom Palette Derived from a Standard Palette

See Also