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TdxChartPaletteItems Type

An array of chart palette items.


TdxChartPaletteItems = array of TdxChartPaletteItem;

Referenced Class

Type Description

A chart palette item.


An array of chart palette items can be useful if you need to copy color sets between user palettes.

Code Example: Copy Standard Palette Colors to a User Palette

The following code example creates a custom palette based on one of the predefined palettes and applies the created palette to a Chart control:

  AStandardPalette: TdxChartPalette;
  AChartPalette: TdxChartUserPalette;
  APaletteItems: TdxChartPaletteItems;  // A dynamic array of palette items used as a temporary container
  I: Integer;
  AStandardPalette := TdxChartStandardPaletteRepository.FindPalette('Nature Colors');
  if AStandardPalette = nil then Exit;
  SetLength(APaletteItems, AStandardPalette.Count);
  // Copies all colors from the obtained color palette into the defined dynamic array
  for I := 0 to AStandardPalette.Count - 1 do
    APaletteItems[I] := AStandardPalette.Items[I];
  AChartPalette := dxChartPaletteRepository1.CreateItem('My Palette 1', APaletteItems);
  // Replaces the third palette item
  AChartPalette.Items[2] := TdxChartPaletteItem.Create(TdxAlphaColors.Red);
  // Adds a new palette item
  AChartPalette.Count := AChartPalette.Count + 1; // Increments the size of the palette item array
  AChartPalette.Items[AChartPalette.Count - 1] := TdxChartPaletteItem.Create(TdxAlphaColors.LightGreen);
  dxChartControl1.Palette := AChartPalette;  // Assigns the created palette to a TdxChartControl instance

VCL Chart Control: An Example of a Custom Palette Derived from a Standard Palette

Direct TdxChartPaletteItems Type Reference

The TdxChartPaletteRepository.CreateItem function accepts a TdxChartPaletteItems array as the AColors parameter.

See Also