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TdxBarFontNameCombo Properties

A deprecated font name combo box for toolbar UIs.
Name Description
Action Specifies the action associated with TdxBarItem. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ActuallyVisible Determines whether an item is accessible to a user. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Align Defines item control alignment within a toolbar area. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Automation Provides access to the bar item’s Automation and accessibility settings. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
BarManager Provides access to the bar manager to which the component belongs. Inherited from TdxBarComponent.
CanSelect protected Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Canvas Specifies a TCanvas object that presents a drawing surface for linked item controls. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
Caption Specifies the bar item caption. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Category Specifies the category to which the toolbar item belongs. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ClickItemLink Specifies the item link whose item control has been clicked. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
CurItemIndex Determines the index of the currently selected dropdown list item. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
CurItemLink Returns the current active item link. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
CurText Specifies the text string currently edited in an item. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
Data Specifies an object that contains arbitrary data associated with the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Description Specifies an item’s description. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DropDownCount Specifies the number of the listbox items that appear in a dropdown list. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
DropDownWidth Specifies dropdown window width. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
DropDownWindow Specifies the HWND handle of a dropdown window. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo.
DroppedDown Determines whether a dropdown window is visible. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo.
EmptyWindow protected Determines whether text editing is available within TdxBarWindowItem. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
Enabled Inherited from TdxBarItem.
FocusedItemLink Returns the item link of the focused item control. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
Glyph Specifies the glyph that is displayed when this item’s link represents a standard size (16 by 16 pixels) item control. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
HelpContext Provides a context number when calling context-sensitive online Help. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Hint Specifies a hint for the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ImageIndex Specifies the image that is displayed when the item’s link represents a standard size (16 by 16 pixels) item control or enlarged standard size button. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Index Specifies item index in a bar manager’s item list. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
IsPredefined Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ItemHeight Specifies listbox item height in pixels. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
ItemIndex Specifies the index of a selected listbox item in a dropdown listbox. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
Items Contains the strings that appear in a dropdown listbox. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
ItemsHeight Contains an array of listbox item height. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
KeyTip Specifies a KeyTip for the current item’s links. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
LargeGlyph Specifies the glyph that is displayed when this item’s link represents a large button, enlarged standard size button, or large size menu item. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
LargeImageIndex Specifies the image that is displayed when this item’s link represents a large button, enlarged standard size button, or large size menu item. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
LinkCount Determines the number of item links contained in the Links property. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Links Returns an object of type TdxBarItemLink with an Index which links to a given element. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ListBox protected Specifies a list box for the dropdown window. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
MaxLength Specifies the maximum edit value length, in characters. Inherited from TdxBarEdit.
MergeKind Specifies how the current bar item will be merged into another bar. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
MergeOrder Specifies the relative visual position of the item among items in the merging bar. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
PaintStyle protected Specifies the look of linked item controls on screen. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ReadOnly Specifies if the bar editor is in read-only mode. Inherited from TdxBarEdit.
ScreenTip Associates the currently processed bar item with a ScreenTip. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ShortCut Specifies the shortcut for the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
ShowCaption Specifies if the editor caption is visible. Inherited from TdxCustomBarEdit.
Sorted Specifies whether items in a list box are sorted alphabetically. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo.
Style Specifies the style applied to the toolbar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
StyleEdit Specifies the style of the current in-place editor. Inherited from TdxCustomBarEdit.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
Text Contains the text string associated with an item. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
UnclickAfterDoing Determines the item’s click behavior. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
Visible Specifies the bar component’s visibility state in the parent bar manager at runtime. Inherited from TdxBarComponent.
VisibleForCustomization Inherited from TdxBarItem.
VisibleForUser Determines whether an item is visible to a user. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
Width Specifies the edit item’s width – in pixels. Inherited from TdxCustomBarEdit.
See Also