TdxBarFontNameCombo Members
A deprecated font name combo box for toolbar UIs.Constructors
Name | Description |
Create(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Name | Description |
Action | Specifies the action associated with TdxBarItem. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ActuallyVisible | Determines whether an item is accessible to a user. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Align | Defines item control alignment within a toolbar area. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Automation | Provides access to the bar item’s Automation and accessibility settings. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
BarManager | Provides access to the bar manager to which the component belongs. Inherited from TdxBarComponent. |
CanSelect protected | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Canvas | Specifies a TCanvas object that presents a drawing surface for linked item controls. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
Caption | Specifies the bar item caption. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Category | Specifies the category to which the toolbar item belongs. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ClickItemLink | Specifies the item link whose item control has been clicked. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentCount | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentIndex | Inherited from TComponent. |
Components | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentState | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentStyle | Inherited from TComponent. |
CurItemIndex | Determines the index of the currently selected dropdown list item. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
CurItemLink | Returns the current active item link. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
CurText | Specifies the text string currently edited in an item. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
Data | Specifies an object that contains arbitrary data associated with the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Description | Specifies an item’s description. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
DesignInfo | Inherited from TComponent. |
DropDownCount | Specifies the number of the listbox items that appear in a dropdown list. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
DropDownWidth | Specifies dropdown window width. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
DropDownWindow | Specifies the HWND handle of a dropdown window. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
DroppedDown | Determines whether a dropdown window is visible. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
EmptyWindow protected | Determines whether text editing is available within TdxBarWindowItem. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
Enabled | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
FocusedItemLink | Returns the item link of the focused item control. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
Glyph | Specifies the glyph that is displayed when this item’s link represents a standard size (16 by 16 pixels) item control. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
HelpContext | Provides a context number when calling context-sensitive online Help. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Hint | Specifies a hint for the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ImageIndex | Specifies the image that is displayed when the item’s link represents a standard size (16 by 16 pixels) item control or enlarged standard size button. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Index | Specifies item index in a bar manager’s item list. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
IsPredefined | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ItemHeight | Specifies listbox item height in pixels. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
ItemIndex | Specifies the index of a selected listbox item in a dropdown listbox. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
Items | Contains the strings that appear in a dropdown listbox. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
ItemsHeight | Contains an array of listbox item height. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
KeyTip | Specifies a KeyTip for the current item’s links. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
LargeGlyph | Specifies the glyph that is displayed when this item’s link represents a large button, enlarged standard size button, or large size menu item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
LargeImageIndex | Specifies the image that is displayed when this item’s link represents a large button, enlarged standard size button, or large size menu item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
LinkCount | Determines the number of item links contained in the Links property. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Links | Returns an object of type TdxBarItemLink with an Index which links to a given element. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ListBox protected | Specifies a list box for the dropdown window. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
MaxLength | Specifies the maximum edit value length, in characters. Inherited from TdxBarEdit. |
MergeKind | Specifies how the current bar item will be merged into another bar. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
MergeOrder | Specifies the relative visual position of the item among items in the merging bar. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Name | Inherited from TComponent. |
Observers | Inherited from TComponent. |
Owner | Inherited from TComponent. |
PaintStyle protected | Specifies the look of linked item controls on screen. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ReadOnly | Specifies if the bar editor is in read-only mode. Inherited from TdxBarEdit. |
ScreenTip | Associates the currently processed bar item with a ScreenTip. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ShortCut | Specifies the shortcut for the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ShowCaption | Specifies if the editor caption is visible. Inherited from TdxCustomBarEdit. |
ShowEditor | |
Sorted | Specifies whether items in a list box are sorted alphabetically. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
Style | Specifies the style applied to the toolbar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
StyleEdit | Specifies the style of the current in-place editor. Inherited from TdxCustomBarEdit. |
Tag | Inherited from TComponent. |
Text | Contains the text string associated with an item. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
UnclickAfterDoing | Determines the item’s click behavior. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
VCLComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
Visible | Specifies the bar component’s visibility state in the parent bar manager at runtime. Inherited from TdxBarComponent. |
VisibleForCustomization | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
VisibleForUser | Determines whether an item is visible to a user. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Width | Specifies the edit item’s width – in pixels. Inherited from TdxCustomBarEdit. |
Name | Description |
ActionChange(TObject,Boolean) protected | Updates linked item controls to reflect changes in associated actions. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
AfterDropDown protected | For internal use only. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
Assign(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
AssignTo(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
CanChangePaintStyle protected | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
CanClicked protected | Specifies whether an item responds to mouse clicks. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
CaptionChanged protected | This method is called when caption changes. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Change protected | Generates an OnChange event. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
CheckKeyForDropDownWindow(Word,TShiftState) protected | Specifies whether a dropdown window processes key press events. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
Click | Calls the DirectClick method to respond to mouse clicks. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
CloseUp protected | Closes a dropdown window. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
CurChange protected | Generates an OnCurChange event. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
DestroyComponents | Inherited from TComponent. |
Destroying | Inherited from TComponent. |
DirectClick | Processes mouse click events. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
DoClick | This procedure generates an OnClick event. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
DropDown(Integer,Integer) protected | Displays a window specified by the DropDownWindow property. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
EnabledChanged protected | This procedure is called when the Enabled property changes. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Equals(TObject) | Inherited from TObject. |
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FindComponent(String) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeOnRelease | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetActionLinkClass protected | Returns an appropriate action link class associated with controls. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
GetAddMessageName | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetCurrentImages | Returns the image list that is used when the current toolbar item is painted. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
GetDropDownWidth protected | Returns dropdown window width. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
GetDropDownWindow protected | Returns the HWND handle of a dropdown listbox window. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
GetHashCode | Inherited from TObject. |
GetNamePath | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetOwner | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetParentComponent | Returns the parent component of a TdxBarItem object. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
GlyphChanged protected | Called after a source of images for the current bar item has been changed. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
HasAccel(TdxBarItemLink) protected | Specifies if TdxBarItem includes an accelerator key. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
HasParent | Determines if the bar item belongs to a TdxBarManager category. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
HotGlyphChanged protected | Called after a source of hot images for the current bar item has been changed. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
InsertComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) | Inherited from TComponent. |
KeyDown(Word,TShiftState) protected | Generates an OnKeyDown event. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
KeyPress(Char) protected | Generates an OnKeyPress event. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
LargeGlyphChanged protected | Called after a source of large images for the current bar item has been changed. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Loaded | Inherited from TComponent. |
MeasureItem(Integer,Integer) protected | Determines height of an item in a listbox. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
MeasureItemWidth(Integer,Integer) protected | Determines listbox item width in pixels. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
PaintStyleChanged protected | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RemoveComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
SetFocus(Boolean) | Focuses an item control associated with the current windowed item. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
SetParentComponent(TComponent) | Sets the parent object of TdxBarItem. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
SetSubComponent(Boolean) | Inherited from TComponent. |
ShortCutChanged protected | Applies a shortcut change for the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
ToString | Inherited from TObject. |
Update protected | Repaints corresponding item controls. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
UpdateEx(TdxBarKinds) protected | Repaints corresponding item controls. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
UseHotImages protected | Determines if a bar item uses an image from the bar manager’s HotImages list to draw linked item controls. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
VisibleChanged protected | This procedure is called when the Visible property changes. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
WidthChanged protected | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
Name | Description |
OnChange | Occurs when the text of an edit control changes. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
OnCheckKeyForDropDownWindow | Occurs when users press a key in a linked item control. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
OnClick | Allows you to respond to clicks on the bar item. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
OnCloseUp | Occurs when closing a dropdown window. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
OnCurChange | Occurs on text editing. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
OnDestroy | This event occurs before the bar item is destroyed. Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
OnDrawItem | Occurs when a dropdown listbox item is to be displayed. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
OnDropDown | Occurs when a dropdown window is to be displayed. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
OnEnter | Occurs when an item control, corresponding to an item, receives focus. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
OnExit | Occurs when an item control, corresponding to an item, loses focus. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
OnGetDropDownWindow | Allows you to create custom drop-down windows. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo. |
OnGetScreenTip | Inherited from TdxBarItem. |
OnKeyDown | Occurs when a user presses a key in a linked item control. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
OnKeyPress | Occurs when users press a single character key. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
OnKeyUp | Occurs when users release a key once pressed. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem. |
OnMeasureItem | Occurs every time users access listbox item height. Inherited from TdxBarCustomCombo. |
See Also