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TcxTreeListStyles Properties

Contains settings controlling the style of the TreeList control’s elements.
Name Description
Background Represents an editing control’s background style. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
BandBackground Specifies the style for the bands’ background.
BandContent Specifies the style for the bands’ content.
BandHeader Specifies the style for band headers.
ColumnFooter Specifies the style for column footer cells.
ColumnHeader Specifies the style settings of column headers.
Content Represents an editing control’s content style. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
ContentEven Specifies the style settings for even nodes within the TreeList control.
ContentOdd Specifies the style settings for odd nodes within the TreeList control.
Control Provides access to an editing control. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
Count Inherited from TcxCustomStyles.
FilterBox Specifies the style for the filter panel. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
FindPanel Specifies the style for the Find Panel. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
Footer Specifies the style settings for the footer panel.
HotTrack Specifies the style settings for the hot-tracked node.
Inactive Specifies the selection style applied when an editing control is not focused. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
IncSearch Specifies the style settings for the cell located by the incremental search.
Indicator Specifies the style settings of the indicator column.
LookAndFeel Provides access to the look and feel options currently applied to the TreeList control.
LookAndFeelPainter Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
Navigator Specifies the style for the offset between an editing control’s navigator and horizontal scrollbar. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
NavigatorInfoPanel Specifies the style for the information panel displayed in an editing control’s navigator. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
Preview Specifies the style settings of the preview section.
SearchResultHighlight Specifies the style for the search strings highlighted by the Find Panel in a control’s records. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
Selection Specifies the selection style within an editing control. Inherited from TcxCustomControlStyles.
StyleSheet Specifies the style sheet for the current style collection.
TreeList Provides access to the TreeList control to which current set of styles is applied.
UseOddEvenStyles Specifies if the TreeList control uses alternate styles to paint odd and even nodes.
Values Inherited from TcxStyles.
See Also