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TcxTreeListPreview Members

Represents a set of appearance and behavior options of a TreeList control’s preview section.


Name Description
Create(TPersistent) Creates a new TcxOwnedPersistent class descendant instance. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.


Name Description
Active Determines whether the preview section is displayed within the TreeList control.
AutoHeight Specifies whether the preview section‘s height is automatically adjusted to accommodate the entire text of the previewed column‘s cell.
Column Specifies the column whose values are displayed within the preview section.
LeftIndent Specifies the distance between the preview text and the preview section‘s left border, in pixels.
MaxLineCount Specifies the maximum number of text lines displayed within the preview section.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
Place Specifies the preview section‘s position relative to a node.
RightIndent Specifies the distance between the preview text and the preview section‘s right border, in pixels.
TreeList Provides access to the TreeList control that owns the current option set.
Visible Specifies the preview section‘s visibility within the TreeList control.


Name Description
_AddRef protected The reference counter increment function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
_Release protected The reference counter decrement function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
Assign(TPersistent) Updates the persistent information from the specified source. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
DoAssign(TPersistent) protected Updates the persistent information container’s class-specific properties with the corresponding values obtained from another persistent information container. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner protected Returns the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current persistent property set or information container supports it. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also