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TcxTreeListBand Properties

A band within a TreeList control.
Name Description
ActuallyExpandable Indicates whether the current band or one of its child bands displays expand buttons.
ActuallyVisible Indicates whether the current band displays its contents within the TreeList control.
BandRows Provides access to the collection of band rows associated with the current band.
Bands Provides access to the collection to which the current band belongs.
Caption Provides access to the object representing the band’s caption.
ChildBandCount Returns the number of immediate child bands assigned to the current band.
ChildBands Provides indexed access to the immediate child bands nested within the current band.
Collection Inherited from TCollectionItem.
ColumnCount Returns the number of columns associated with the current band.
Columns Provides indexed access to columns associated with the current band.
DisplayName Inherited from TCollectionItem.
DisplayWidth Returns the band’s width on screen, in pixels.
Expandable Specifies whether the current band is able to display expand buttons (also called an expandable band).
FixedKind Specifies whether the band is involved in horizontal scrolling.
ID Inherited from TCollectionItem.
IndentWidth Determines the increment (in pixels) by which a band containing an expandable band is increased during node expansion.
Index Inherited from TCollectionItem.
IsBottom Specifies whether the current band is at the bottom of the TreeList control’s band hierarchy.
IsLastAsChild Determines whether the current band is the last visible band within its parent band.
IsLeftMost Indicates whether the band is the leftmost one displayed within the control.
IsRightMost Indicates whether the band is the rightmost one displayed within the control.
IsRoot Identifies if the band is at the root level.
Level Returns the band’s nesting level.
LineCount Returns the number of rows that the current band’s header occupies within the band header panel.
MinWidth Specifies the band’s minimum width, in pixels.
Options Provides access to the band’s appearance and behavior options.
ParentBand Provides access to the band’s immediate parent.
Position Provides access to settings that specify the band’s position within the TreeList control.
RootIndex Returns the band’s position within root bands.
RootParentBand Provides access to the root band that nests the current band.
Styles Specifies the band’s various style settings.
Tag Stores a value associated with the band.
TreeList Provides access to the TreeList control to which the band belongs.
Visible Indicates whether the band is visible.
VisibleColumnCount Returns the number of visible columns within the band.
VisibleColumns Provides indexed access to individual visible columns.
VisibleIndex Returns the current band’s position within the collection of visible bands.
VisibleRootIndex Returns the band header‘s position within root band headers.
Width Specifies the band’s width, in pixels.
See Also