TcxTreeListBand Properties
A band within a TreeList control.Name | Description |
ActuallyExpandable | Indicates whether the current band or one of its child bands displays expand buttons. |
ActuallyVisible | Indicates whether the current band displays its contents within the TreeList control. |
BandRows | Provides access to the collection of band rows associated with the current band. |
Bands | Provides access to the collection to which the current band belongs. |
Caption | Provides access to the object representing the band’s caption. |
ChildBandCount | Returns the number of immediate child bands assigned to the current band. |
ChildBands | Provides indexed access to the immediate child bands nested in the current band. |
Collection | Inherited from TCollectionItem. |
ColumnCount | Returns the number of columns associated with the current band. |
Columns | Provides indexed access to columns associated with the current band. |
DisplayName | Inherited from TCollectionItem. |
DisplayWidth | Returns the band’s width on screen, in pixels. |
Expandable | Specifies whether the current band is able to display expand buttons (expandable band). |
FixedKind | Specifies whether the band is involved in horizontal scrolling. |
ID | Inherited from TCollectionItem. |
IndentWidth | Determines the increment (in pixels) by which a band containing an expandable band is increased during node expansion. |
Index | Inherited from TCollectionItem. |
IsBottom | Specifies whether the current band is at the bottom of the TreeList control’s band hierarchy. |
IsLastAsChild | Determines whether the current band is the last visible band within its parent band. |
IsLeftMost | Indicates whether the band is the leftmost one displayed within the control. |
IsLoading | |
IsRightMost | Indicates whether the band is the rightmost one displayed within the control. |
IsRoot | Identifies if the band is at the root level. |
Level | Returns the band’s nesting level. |
LineCount | Returns the number of line that the current band header occupies in the band header panel. |
MinWidth | Specifies the band’s minimum width, in pixels. |
Options | Provides access to the band’s appearance and behavior options. |
ParentBand | Provides access to the band’s immediate parent. |
Position | Provides access to settings that specify the band’s position within the TreeList control. |
RootIndex | Returns the band’s position in root bands. |
RootParentBand | Provides access to the root band that nests the current band. |
Styles | Specifies the band’s various style settings. |
Tag | Stores a value associated with the band. |
TreeList | Provides access to the TreeList control to which the band belongs. |
Visible | Indicates whether the band is visible. |
VisibleColumnCount | Returns the number of visible columns within the band. |
VisibleColumns | Provides indexed access to individual visible columns. |
VisibleIndex | Returns the current band’s position within the collection of visible bands. |
VisibleRootIndex | Returns the band header‘s position within root band headers. |
Width | Specifies the band’s width, in pixels. |
See Also