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TcxSchedulerEventList Members

Implements a collection containing TcxSchedulerEvent objects.


Name Description
Count Gets the number of TcxSchedulerEvent objects in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
First Provides access to the first TcxSchedulerEvent object in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
Items Provides indexed access to the TcxSchedulerEvent objects in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
Last Provides access to the last TcxSchedulerEvent object in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.


Name Description
Add(TcxSchedulerEvent) Adds the AEvent instance to the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
Clear Deletes all the TcxSchedulerEvent objects from the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
Delete(Integer) Removes the TcxSchedulerEvent object specified by the AIndex parameter from the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
DestroyItems Removes all the TcxSchedulerEvent objects from the TcxSchedulerEventList collection and destroys them.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
IndexOf(TcxSchedulerEvent) Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the AEvent instance in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
Remove(TcxSchedulerEvent) Removes the TcxSchedulerEvent object specified by the AEvent parameter from the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.
Sort(TcxCompareEventsProc) Sorts the TcxSchedulerEvent objects in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection in accordance with the ACompare comparator.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also