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TcxSchedulerDBStorageFieldNames Members

Represents a set of dataset fields’ names used for binding dataset fields to the persistent TcxSchedulerEvent ‘s properties.


Name Description
Create(TcxSchedulerDBStorage) Initializes a new instance of the TcxSchedulerDBStorageFieldNames class with specified settings.


Name Description
ActualFinish Maps the ActualFinish property of all user events to an integer dataset field.
ActualStart Maps the ActualStart property of all user events to an integer dataset field.
Caption Maps the Caption property of all user events to a string dataset field.
DataController Provides access to the data controller that handles data from a dataset via a standard data source object.
EventType Maps the EventType property of all user events to an integer dataset field.
Finish Maps the Finish property of all user events to a dataset field.
GroupID Maps the GroupID property of all user events to a dataset field.
ID Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.ID property to the corresponding dataset field.
LabelColor Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.LabelColor property to the corresponding dataset field.
Location Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.Location property to the corresponding dataset field.
Message Maps the Message property of all user events to a string dataset field.
Options Maps all user event state properties to the dataset field where the corresponding bitwise flags are stored.
ParentID Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.ParentID property to the corresponding dataset field.
RecurrenceIndex Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.RecurrenceIndex property to the corresponding dataset field.
RecurrenceInfo Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.RecurrenceInfo property to the corresponding dataset field.
ReminderDate Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.ReminderDate property to the corresponding dataset field.
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart Binds the TcxSchedulerEvent.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property to the specified field in the dataset.
ReminderResourcesData Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent‘s ReminderResourcesData internal field to the corresponding dataset field.
ResourceID Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.ResourceID property to the corresponding dataset field.
Start Maps the Start property of all user events to a dataset field.
State Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.State property to the corresponding dataset field.
Storage Represents the persistence manager component.
TaskCompleteField Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskComplete property to the corresponding dataset field.
TaskIndexField Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskIndex property to the corresponding dataset field.
TaskLinksField Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskLinks property to the corresponding dataset field.
TaskStatusField Maps the TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskStatus property to the corresponding dataset field.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also