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TcxSchedulerDBStorage Methods

A persistence manager that stores user events and resources in a relational data store.
Name Description
AddListener(IcxSchedulerStorageListener) Registers the IcxSchedulerStorageListener listener specified by the AListener parameter so that it’s notified when the storage changes its state. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginUpdate Acquires a lock on the data controller to prevent View update callbacks being made to the registered IcxSchedulerStorageListener listener by the data controller, until a block of data update statements has finished executing. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
CalculateEventActualTimeRanges Populates the ActualStart and ActualFinish fields with the values of the user event‘s time period bounds. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
CheckRequiredFields Checks if all the obligatory properties of persisted user events are mapped to the corresponding fields of the underlying dataset.
Clear Deletes all user events from the bound persistence manager and updates the associated Scheduler control.
createEvent Creates a user event with the default settings. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
CreateOccurrence(TcxSchedulerEvent,TDateTime,TcxEventType) Creates occurrence of the APattern parent at the ADate date. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
DestroyComponents Inherited from TComponent.
Destroying Inherited from TComponent.
DoneRestore Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndUpdate Updates storage and releases a lock on the data controller. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
FindAvailableAllDay(TDateTime,TDateTime,Variant,Boolean,TDateTime) Searches for free time blocks which can be used to schedule an all-day user event. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
FindAvailableTime(TcxSchedulerEvent,Boolean,TDateTime,TDateTime) Searches for free time blocks which can be used to schedule the AEvent user event. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
FindAvailableTime(TDateTime,TDateTime,Boolean,Variant,Boolean,TDateTime,TcxSchedulerEvent) Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
FindComponent(String) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeOnRelease Inherited from TComponent.
FullRefresh Forces the data controller to update itself and notify the registered IcxSchedulerStorageListener listeners. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GenerateHolidayEvents(Variant) Creates new user events that represent holidays, and adds them to the storage. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
GetEventByID(Variant) Returns an event by its unique identifier. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GetEvents(TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList,TDateTime,TDateTime,Variant) Clears the specified event list and populates it with events retrieved from the persistence manager’s resources. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GetEvents(TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList,TDateTime,TDateTime) Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GetFieldByName(string) Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetHolidayNamesByDate(TDate,string,Boolean) Populates a parameter with names of holidays taking place at a certain date. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetParentComponent Inherited from TComponent.
GetReminderEvents(TDateTime,TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList) Populates the AList collection with in-memory user events containing reminders. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
HasParent Inherited from TComponent.
HolidaysChanged(TObject) Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
HolidaysRemoved(TObject) Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
InitRestore Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
InsertComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
IsActive Identifies if the event persistence manager is ready for use by the associated scheduler control. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsCaptionAvailable Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsEventEditing(TcxSchedulerControlEvent) Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsEventSharingAllowed Identifies if the persistence manager can share an event between resources. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) Inherited from TComponent.
IsLabelColorAvailable Identifies if the persistence manager stores event label colors. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsLocationAvailable Identifies if the persistence manager stores information on event locations. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsMessageAvailable Identifies if the persistence manager stores user event descriptions. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsRecurrenceAvailable Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsReminderAvailable Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsReminderByResourceAvailable Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
IsStateAvailable Identifies if the persistence manager stores information on the event creator’s availability status. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
Loaded Inherited from TComponent.
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
PopulateHolidayDates(TcxSchedulerDateList,TDate,TDate,Boolean,Boolean) Populates AList with holiday dates by the specified period. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
PostEvents Saves all new user events to the open and connected dataset and updates the associated Scheduler control.
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveListener(IcxSchedulerStorageListener) Deletes the IcxSchedulerStorageListener listener specified by the AListener parameter from the collection of listeners registered with the TcxCustomSchedulerStorage. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
SetParentComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
SetSubComponent(Boolean) Inherited from TComponent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
See Also