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TcxSchedulerDBStorage Properties

A persistence manager that stores user events and resources in a relational data store.
Name Description
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
CustomFields Represents user-defined fields in storage.
DataSource Specifies the data source that links the bound event persistence manager to a dataset.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
EditingEventInfoList Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
EventCount Returns the number of user events stored in the persistence manager. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
Events Provides zero-based indexed access to all user events persisted in the storage. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
FieldCount Gets the total number of both built-in and custom fields. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
FieldNames Provides access to the dataset field names used for binding dataset fields to individual properties of the persisted user events.
Fields Provides indexed access to storage fields. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
GenerateGUIDForID Specifies whether the user event‘s ID should be generated as GUID.
Holidays References the TcxSchedulerHolidays component instance. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
InternalUpdate Determines whether the scheduler and its underlying data store are currently being synchronized. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
LinksController Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
Reminders Represents a collection, which stores timed out reminders, if any. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
ResourceCount Returns the number of stored resources. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
ResourceIDs Returns the unique identifier of a specified stored resource. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
ResourceNames Returns the display name of a specified stored resource. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
Resources Provides access to the bound event persistence manager’s resource container.
SmartRefresh Specifies the manner in which dataset records are updated.
StoreUsingGlobalTime Specifies whether the persistence manager component uses UTC time instead of local. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
StoringName Specifies the stored name of the persistent scheduler control’s layout. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.

Returns the system time offset from UTC.

This property is for internal use.

Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
UseActualTimeRange Specifies whether user events are retrieved based upon their time period bounds from the underlying data store. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
UseIndexedID Specifies whether the indexed user event identifier field is used.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
See Also