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TcxSchedulerEventCellViewInfo Members

A ViewInfo class that contains the information required to render a user event.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter,TRect,TRect,TcxViewParams,TdxScaleFactor,Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Create(TcxSchedulerEventViewData,Boolean,TdxScaleFactor,Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the TcxSchedulerEventCellViewInfo class with specified settings.


Name Description
Bitmap Specifies the background bitmap of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
BorderColor Specifies the border’s color of the user event.
Borders Specifies the current element’s borders. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Bounds Gets the current element’s rectangle. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Canvas Represents the surface on which the required element will be drawn. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Caption Gets the caption of the user event.
CaptionRect Gets the caption’s rectangle of the user event.
ClipRect Gets the current element’s clipping rectangle. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
ClipRgn Represents a clipping region.
Color Specifies the background color of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
ContentFinish Gets the outer time block which is closest to the user event‘s end time.
ContentStart Gets the outer time block which is closest to the user event‘s start time.
DisplayText protected Specifies the text which will be drawn within the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
EditingRect Gets the rectangle of the in-place editor being activated for the user event.
EditViewInfo Stores ViewInfo information needed to draw the in-place editor used to display user event description.
Event Gets a reference to the instance of the user event, which is currently being drawn.
EventTimeRect Gets the timeline bar’s rectangle which corresponds to the duration of the user event.
FinishRect Gets the rectangle of the user event end time which is drawn within the user event’s rectangle.
FinishText Returns the user event‘s end time as a formatted date string.
Font Gets the font of the output text of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Height Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Hidden Specifies whether the user event will be painted in the scheduling area.
Images Represents a collection of user event icons.
Message Gets the description of the user event.
MessageRect Gets the description’s rectangle of the user event.
Painter Provides access to the painter class used to paint the scheduling area‘s elements. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
ResourceInfo Contains resource ViewInfo information.
ResourceItem Represents the resource which the user event is currently drawn within.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Selected Gets whether the user event is selected.
SeparatorColor Specifies the color of the splitter between the caption and description of the user event.
ShowFinishTime Gets whether the end time of the user event will be shown.
ShowMessage Gets whether the description of the user event can be shown in its rectangle.
ShowStartTime Gets whether the start time of the user event will be shown.
ShowTimeAsClock Gets whether the user event‘s time is displayed as a miniature clock or as digits.
ShowTimeLine Gets whether the timeline bar’s rectangle is visible.
StartRect Gets the rectangle of the user event‘s start time that is drawn within the user event’s rectangle.
StartText Gets a formatted date string of the user event‘s start time.
TextColor Specifies the color of the output text in the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
TimeLineRect Gets the timeline bar’s rectangle which is occupied by the user event.
Transparent Specifies whether the background of the current element will be drawn. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
UseRightToLeftAlignment Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
ViewParams Gets the style attributes of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Width Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.


Name Description
Draw(TcxCanvas) Paints the scheduling area‘s current element on the canvas. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
DrawState(TcxCanvas,TRect,TcxBorders,TColor) Paints the ARect rectangle in the color of the user event‘s current availability status.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also