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TcxCustomTabControl.SetStyleByStyleName(TCaption) Method

Applies the painting style with the specified name.


procedure SetStyleByStyleName(StyleName: TCaption);


Name Type
StyleName TCaption


Call this method to apply a painting style to a tab control. The applied painting style is specified by its name via the StyleName parameter. Tab controls provide eleven predefined painting styles. Consider the table below for the list of these styles and corresponding values of the StyleName parameter.

Style name Description
Tabs Applies the Tabs painting style to a control.
Buttons Applies the Buttons painting style to a control.
FlatButtons Applies the Flat Buttons painting style to a control.
ExtraFlat Applies the Extra Flat painting style to a control.
UltraFlat Applies the Ultra Flat painting style to a control.
Flat Applies the Flat painting style to a control.
Office11 Applies the Office11 painting style to a control.
Slanted Applies the Slanted painting style to a control.
OneNote Applies the OneNote painting style to a control.
Skin Applies the Skin painting style to a control.

The SetStyleByStyleName method’s parameters are described here assuming that the LookAndFeel property has no influence on the control’s painting style. The Applying Painting Styles topic provides information on how these members are used in conjunction with one another.

See Also