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TcxPCOptions Type

Enumerates tab control options.


TcxPCOptions = set of TcxPCOption;

Referenced Class



Options include:




If active, the Go Dialog button is always visible within the navigator bar. Otherwise, this button is displayed only when all visible tabs cannot fit into a tab control.


This option is effective only when the pcoGoDialog option is active.


If active, the Close Button is displayed within the navigator bar. To display the Close button in tabs, use the control’s Properties.CloseButtonMode property instead.


If active, the width of the tab panel is determined by the maximum width of all the tabs including what is not currently displayed within the control (accessible via the navigator bar) and excluding invisible tabs. Otherwise, the width of the tab panel is determined by the maximum width of the tabs which are currently visible within the control.


This option is effective only when the tabs are rotated (the Rotate property is set to True).


If active, the Go Dialog button is displayed within the navigator bar.


When the pcoAlwaysShowGoDialogButton option is disabled, the Go Dialog button is displayed only if all visible tabs cannot fit into a tab control.


If active, gradient filling is used to paint the background of the tabs within a tab control which has the Office11, Slanted or OneNote painting styles applied to it and also the client area of a tab control which has the Office11 painting style applied to it. Otherwise, the background is painted as a single fixed color.


If active, gradient filling is used to paint the background of the client area of a tab control which has the Office11 painting style applied to it.


This option has no effect when either the pcoGradient option is inactive or a page of the TcxPageControl control has a specific color assigned to it (i.e. the page’s ParentColor property is set to False and the color is specified via its Color property).


If active, arrow buttons are not displayed within the navigator bar.


If active, all the child controls within a tab control are redrawn when the tab control is resized. This option is required to ensure that controls which have transparent backgrounds (for instance, TcxLabel controls) are painted correctly within a tab control. The pcoRedrawOnResize option has no effect within a tab control which has a style other than the Office11 or XP painting styles applied to it.


When this option is active, resizing of a tab control might make the child controls flicker.


If active, tab captions are sorted alphabetically within the Go Dialog. Otherwise, tab captions have the same order as the corresponding tabs.


If active, vertical text is written from top to bottom. Otherwise it is written from bottom to top. Please refer to the Tabs Position and Arrangement topic for additional information.


If active, tabs are painted using the same color as the corresponding pages (as specified by the page’s Color property). Otherwise, the color of a particular tab is determined by its Color property.


This option isn’t in effect for a particular bar when its ParentColor property is set to True. Upon setting the color of a particular page the page’s Color property automatically sets its ParentColor property to False.

See Also