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TcxCustomTabControl.SetStandardStyle(TcxPCStandardStyle) Method

Applies the specified painting style to a tab control.


procedure SetStandardStyle(StandardStyle: TcxPCStandardStyle);


Name Type
StandardStyle TcxPCStandardStyle


Call this method to apply the specified painting style to a tab control. The applied painting style is specified by the StandardStyle parameter. Tab controls provide eleven predefined painting styles. Consider the table below for the list of these styles and corresponding values for the StandardStyle parameter.

Style name Description
tsTabs Applies the Tabs painting style to a control.
tsButtons Applies the Buttons painting style to a control.
tsFlatButtons Applies the Flat Buttons painting style to a control.

These method parameter descriptions assume that the LookAndFeel property has no effect on the painting style applied to the control. Please refer to the Applying Painting Styles topic for more information on how the painting style of the control can be changed.

See Also