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TcxGridWinExplorerViewItemOptions Members


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomGridTableItem) Initializes a new instance of the TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions.
Create(TPersistent) Initializes a new instance of the TcxInterfacedPersistent class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.


Name Description
EditAutoHeight protected Specifies the multi-line text edit mode for an item’s in-place editor. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
Editing Specifies if item cells can be edited. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
ExpressionEditing protected Specifies if end-users can invoke the “Expression Editor“ dialog using column header popup menu. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
Filtering Specifies whether an item displays the filter dropdown button. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringAddValueItems Specifies if value items (fviValue filter conditions) are added to a filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringExcelPopupApplyChanges Specifies how an Excel-inspired filter dropdown updates filter criteria for a grid item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringExcelPopupDateTimeValuesPageType Specifies the UI type of an Excel-inspired filter dropdown’s Values page for a grid item‘s date-time values. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringExcelPopupDefaultPage Specifies which page of an Excel-inspired filter dropdown is active by default for a grid item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringExcelPopupNumericValuesPageType Specifies the UI type of an Excel-inspired filter dropdown’s Values page for a grid item‘s numeric values. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringFilteredItemsList Specifies whether to display all or only filtered items in a filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringFilteredItemsListShowFilteredItemsOnly Specifies if a filter dropdown set to display filtered items for a grid item includes only those that correspond to the grid item’s values stored in filtered records. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringMRUItemsList Specifies whether this item’s filter dropdown displays the most recently used item list. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringPopup Specifies whether a filter dropdown for a specific row or column is available to an end-user. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringPopupIncrementalFiltering Enables the incremental filtering feature for the grid item’s filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringPopupIncrementalFilteringOptions Specifies how incremental filtering is applied to the grid item’s classic filter dropdown window. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringPopupMode Specifies the active filter dropdown type for a grid item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringPopupMultiSelect Specifies whether an end-user can select multiple filter items in the filter dropdown (a row or a column). Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
FilteringWithFindPanel Specifies whether an item is searchable by the Find Panel. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
Focusing Specifies whether an item cell can be focused. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
GridView Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions.
Grouping protected Defines whether a user can group View data by the item (column). Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
IgnoreTimeForFiltering Specifies whether to truncate the time part of the date/time filter criteria in the filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
IncSearch Specifies whether an incremental search can be performed on the current item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
Item Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions.
Moving protected Specifies if end-users can move an item (column) in Table Views and Banded Table Views. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
ShowCaption protected Specifies if the View displays the item’s caption. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
ShowEditButtons Identifies the manner in which editor buttons are displayed within item cells. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
SortByDisplayText protected Specifies whether the column/row is sorted by its values or display texts. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.
Sorting Specifies whether end-users can sort View data against the item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemOptions.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also