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TcxGridChartColumnDiagramValues.CaptionPosition Property

Specifies the position of data labels on chart values.


property CaptionPosition: TcxGridChartColumnDiagramValueCaptionPosition read; write; default cdvcpNone;

Property Value

Type Default
TcxGridChartColumnDiagramValueCaptionPosition cdvcpNone


Use this property to specify the position of data labels on the chart values within a diagram.

All the possible values are listed in the following table.

Value Meaning
cdvcpNone Data labels on series values are not displayed.
cdvcpInsideBase Data labels are displayed inside the data markers and aligned to the base of the marker.
cdvcpCenter Data labels are displayed centered within the data markers.
cdvcpInsideEnd Data labels are displayed inside the data markers and aligned to the end of the corresponding data markers.
cdvcpOutsideEnd Data labels are displayed outside the data markers and aligned to the end of the corresponding data markers.

The ValueCaptionFormat property of series specifies the formatting pattern for the captions of the series values (the data labels on series values).

The default value of the CaptionPosition property is cdvcpNone.

See Also