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TcxGridCard Properties

Represents a record in a Card View.
Name Description
DisplayTexts Provides indexed access to the text version of a field’s value, in the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
DragHighlighted Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Expandable Gets whether the record can be expanded and/or collapsed. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Expanded Specifies whether the record is expanded. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Focused Specifies whether the current record is focused. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
HasCells Determines whether the current record has cells displaying values. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Index Returns the visual position of the record within a View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
IsData Determines whether the record displays data in cells. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
IsEditing Determines whether the record is currently being edited (the data controller is in edit mode). Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
IsFirst Determines whether the record is displayed at the first position within a View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
IsLast Determines whether the current record is located at the last position within a View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
IsNewItemRecord Determines whether the current record is a “new item record” within a View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
IsParentRecordLast protected Determines whether a group footer that corresponds to a specific group level can be displayed under the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
LastParentRecordCount protected Returns the number of group levels for which the current record can display group footers. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Level Returns the group level of the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
ParentRecord Returns an immediate parent record for the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
PartVisible Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
PixelScrollPosition Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
RecordIndex Specifies the record index of the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Selected Specifies whether the current record is selected. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
ValueCount Specifies the number of values corresponding to items (fields) in the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Values Provides indexed access to the values of items (fields) in a record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
ViewData Returns the ViewData object owning the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
ViewInfo Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
Visible Returns the visibility of the current record. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecord.
See Also