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TcxCustomGrid Members

The base class for the VCL Data Grid control.


Name Description
Create(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
CreateParented(HWND) Inherited from TWinControl.


Name Description
Action Inherited from TControl.
ActiveCanvas Provides access to the control’s GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxControl.
ActiveLevel Specifies the root grid level which is currently active.
ActiveView Provides access to the View associated with the currently active root grid level.
Align Inherited from TControl.
AlignDisabled Inherited from TWinControl.
AlignWithMargins Inherited from TControl.
Anchors Inherited from TControl.
AutoSize Inherited from TControl.
BevelEdges Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelInner Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelKind Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelOuter Inherited from TWinControl.
BevelWidth Inherited from TWinControl.
BiDiMode Inherited from TControl.
BorderSize protected Inherited from TcxControl.
BorderWidth Inherited from TWinControl.
Bounds Returns the control’s boundaries. Inherited from TcxControl.
BoundsRect Inherited from TControl.
Brush Inherited from TWinControl.
Canvas Provides access to the control’s GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxControl.
Caption Inherited from TControl.
ClientBounds Returns the control’s client area. Inherited from TcxControl.
ClientHeight Inherited from TControl.
ClientOrigin Inherited from TControl.
ClientRect Inherited from TControl.
ClientWidth Inherited from TControl.
Color Inherited from TControl.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
Constraints Inherited from TControl.
ControlCount Inherited from TWinControl.
Controls Inherited from TWinControl.
ControlState Inherited from TControl.
ControlStyle Inherited from TControl.
Ctl3D Inherited from TWinControl.
CurrentPPI Inherited from TControl.
Cursor Inherited from TControl.
CustomHint Inherited from TControl.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DockClientCount Inherited from TWinControl.
DockClients Inherited from TWinControl.
DockManager Inherited from TWinControl.
DockOrientation Inherited from TControl.
DockSite Inherited from TWinControl.
DoubleBuffered Inherited from TWinControl.
DragAndDropObject Inherited from TcxControl.
DragAndDropObjectClass Inherited from TcxControl.
DragAndDropState Inherited from TcxControl.
DragCursor Inherited from TControl.
DragKind Inherited from TControl.
DragMode Inherited from TControl.
DragOpening Specifies whether top-level Views are to be opened when dragging an object over their tabs.
DragOpeningWaitTime Specifies the delay in milliseconds between hovering over a target item and its opening/expanding during a drag-and-drop operation.
Enabled Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitHeight Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitLeft Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitTop Inherited from TControl.
ExplicitWidth Inherited from TControl.
Floating Inherited from TControl.
FloatingDockSiteClass Inherited from TControl.
FocusedView Specifies the focused grid View.
FocusOnClick protected Specifies if clicking the control focuses it. Inherited from TcxControl.
Font Inherited from TControl.
Handle Inherited from TWinControl.
Height Inherited from TControl.
HelpContext Inherited from TControl.
HelpKeyword Inherited from TControl.
HelpType Inherited from TControl.
Hint Specifies a hint message for the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
HostDockSite Inherited from TControl.
HScrollBar protected Inherited from TcxControl.
HScrollBarVisible protected Inherited from TcxControl.
Images Specifies the image source for grid level tab and column header icons.
ImeMode Inherited from TWinControl.
ImeName Inherited from TWinControl.
IsDesigning Identifies if the control is being modified by the form designer. Inherited from TcxControl.
IsDestroying Identifies if the control is about to be destroyed. Inherited from TcxCustomControl.
IsDrawingLocked Inherited from TWinControl.
IsFocused Identifies if the control has focus. Inherited from TcxControl.
IsLoading Identifies if the control is being loaded. Inherited from TcxControl.
Keys protected Inherited from TcxControl.
Left Inherited from TControl.
Levels Provides access to the collection of root grid levels within a grid control.
LevelTabs Specifies a set of options that control the appearance aspects of grid level tabs.
LockedStateImageOptions Specifies appearance settings for a “Locked View” image.
LookAndFeel Provides access to the data grid control’s look & feel settings.
LookAndFeelPainter Inherited from TcxControl.
LRDockWidth Inherited from TControl.
Margins Inherited from TControl.
MouseCapture Inherited from TControl.
MouseCaptureObject Provides access to the dragged object during a drag-and-drop operation. Inherited from TcxControl.
MouseDownPos Specifies the mouse pointer position when an OnMouseDown event occurs. Inherited from TcxControl.
MouseInClient Inherited from TWinControl.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
Padding Inherited from TWinControl.
Parent Inherited from TControl.
ParentBackground protected Inherited from TcxControl.
ParentBiDiMode Inherited from TControl.
ParentColor Inherited from TControl.
ParentCtl3D Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentCustomHint Inherited from TControl.
ParentDoubleBuffered Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentFont Inherited from TControl.
ParentShowHint Inherited from TControl.
ParentWindow Inherited from TWinControl.
PixelsPerInch Inherited from TWinControl.
PopupMenu protected Specifies the popup menu associated with the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
RaiseOnNonMainThreadUsage Inherited from TControl.
RedrawDisabled Inherited from TWinControl.
RootLevelOptions Represents a set of options managing the appearance of top grid levels.
RootLevelStyles Controls the appearance of root level elements.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TControl.
ScrollBars protected Inherited from TcxControl.
ShowHint Inherited from TControl.
Showing Inherited from TWinControl.
StyleElements Inherited from TControl.
StyleName Inherited from TControl.
TabOrder Inherited from TWinControl.
TabStop Determines whether the end-user can tab to a grid control.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
TBDockHeight Inherited from TControl.
Text Inherited from TControl.
TipMode Inherited from TWinControl.
Top Inherited from TControl.
Touch Inherited from TControl.
Transparent protected Specifies if the control is transparent in GDI render mode. Inherited from TcxControl.
UndockHeight Inherited from TControl.
UndockWidth Inherited from TControl.
UseDockManager Inherited from TWinControl.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ViewCount Gets the number of all Views contained within the current grid control.
Views Specifies the list of all Views contained within a grid control.
Visible Inherited from TControl.
VisibleDockClientCount Inherited from TWinControl.
VScrollBar protected Inherited from TcxControl.
VScrollBarVisible protected Inherited from TcxControl.
Width Inherited from TControl.
WindowProc Inherited from TControl.


Name Description
AcceptMousePosForClick(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TcxControl.
AddFontListener(IcxFontListener) Inherited from TcxControl.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginDrag(Boolean,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
BeginDragAndDrop Inherited from TcxControl.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginUpdate(TcxGridShowLockedStateImageMode) Prevents a grid control from being updated until one of the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate methods is called.
BringToFront Inherited from TControl.
Broadcast(Untyped) Inherited from TWinControl.
CancelUpdate Enables updating of a grid control after the BeginUpdate method is called.
CanFocus Inherited from TWinControl.
CanFocusEx Inherited from TcxControl.
ChangeScale(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
CheckNonMainThreadUsage Inherited from TControl.
Click Inherited from TControl.
ClientToParent(TPoint,TWinControl) Inherited from TControl.
ClientToScreen(TPoint) Inherited from TControl.
ClientToScreen(TRect) Inherited from TControl.
ConstrainedResize(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
ContainsControl(TControl) Inherited from TWinControl.
ControlAtPos(TPoint,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Inherited from TWinControl.
CreateParentedControl(HWND) Inherited from TWinControl.
CreateView(TcxCustomGridViewClass) Creates a View of a specified class and adds it to the View list.
DestroyComponents Inherited from TComponent.
Destroying Inherited from TComponent.
DisableAlign Inherited from TWinControl.
Dock(TWinControl,TRect) Inherited from TControl.
DockDrop(TDragDockObject,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TWinControl.
DragDrop(TObject,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
Dragging Inherited from TControl.
DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(Longint) Inherited from TControl.
DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly Inherited from TControl.
EnableAlign Inherited from TWinControl.
EndDrag(Boolean) Inherited from TControl.
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndUpdate Enables updating of a grid control after the BeginUpdate method is called.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
FindChildControl(String) Inherited from TWinControl.
FindComponent(String) Inherited from TComponent.
FinishDragAndDrop(Boolean) Inherited from TcxControl.
FlipChildren(Boolean) Inherited from TWinControl.
Focused Inherited from TWinControl.
FreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeOnRelease Inherited from TComponent.
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
GetControlsAlignment Inherited from TControl.
GetDragImages Inherited from TControl.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetParentComponent Inherited from TComponent.
GetStyleName Inherited from TControl.
GetSystemMetrics(Integer) Inherited from TControl.
GetTabControlList(TList) Inherited from TWinControl.
GetTabOrderList(TList) Inherited from TWinControl.
GetTextBuf(PChar,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
GetTextLen Inherited from TControl.
HandleAllocated Inherited from TWinControl.
HandleNeeded Inherited from TWinControl.
HasParent Inherited from TComponent.
Hide Inherited from TControl.
InitiateAction Inherited from TControl.
InsertComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
InsertControl(TControl) Inherited from TWinControl.
Invalidate Inherited from TControl.
InvalidateRect(TRect,Boolean) Adds a specified portion of the control’s client area to the window update region. Inherited from TcxControl.
InvalidateRgn(TcxRegion,Boolean) Inherited from TcxControl.
InvalidateWithChildren Inherited from TcxControl.
IsCustomStyleActive Inherited from TControl.
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) Inherited from TComponent.
IsLightStyleColor(TColor) Inherited from TControl.
IsMouseInPressedArea(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TcxControl.
IsRightToLeft Inherited from TControl.
LayoutChanged Invalidates a grid control in response to changing the layout.
Loaded Inherited from TComponent.
LockDrawing Inherited from TWinControl.
LockScrollBars Inherited from TcxControl.
ManualDock(TWinControl,TControl,TAlign) Inherited from TControl.
ManualFloat(TRect) Inherited from TControl.
MouseDown(TMouseButton,TShiftState,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
MouseMove(TShiftState,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
MouseUp(TMouseButton,TShiftState,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
MouseWheelHandler(TMessage) Inherited from TControl.
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
PaintTo(HDC,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TWinControl.
PaintTo(TCanvas,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TWinControl.
ParentToClient(TPoint,TWinControl) Inherited from TControl.
Perform(Cardinal,WPARAM,LPARAM) Inherited from TControl.
Perform(Cardinal,WPARAM,PChar) Inherited from TControl.
Perform(Cardinal,WPARAM,TRect) Inherited from TControl.
PostMouseMove Inherited from TcxControl.
PostMouseMove(TPoint) Inherited from TcxControl.
PreProcessMessage(TMsg) Inherited from TWinControl.
Realign Inherited from TWinControl.
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
Refresh Inherited from TControl.
RemoveComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveControl(TControl) Inherited from TWinControl.
RemoveFontListener(IcxFontListener) Inherited from TcxControl.
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
Repaint Inherited from TControl.
ReplaceDockedControl(TControl,TWinControl,TControl,TAlign) Inherited from TControl.
ScaleBy(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TWinControl.
ScaleForPPI(Integer) Inherited from TControl.
ScaleRectSize(TRect) Inherited from TControl.
ScaleValue(Double) Inherited from TControl.
ScaleValue(Integer) Inherited from TControl.
ScaleValue(TPoint) Inherited from TControl.
ScaleValue(TRect) Inherited from TControl.
ScaleValue(TSize) Inherited from TControl.
ScreenToClient(TPoint) Inherited from TControl.
ScreenToClient(TRect) Inherited from TControl.
ScrollBy(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TWinControl.
ScrollContent(TcxDirection) Inherited from TcxControl.
ScrollWindow(Integer,Integer,TRect) Inherited from TcxControl.
SendToBack Inherited from TControl.
SetBounds(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TControl.
SetDesignVisible(Boolean) Inherited from TControl.
SetFocus Inherited from TWinControl.
SetParentComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
SetScrollBarInfo(TScrollBarKind,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Boolean,Boolean) Inherited from TcxControl.
SetSubComponent(Boolean) Inherited from TComponent.
SetTextBuf(PChar) Inherited from TControl.
Show Inherited from TControl.
SizeChanged Invalidates a grid control in response to resizing.
StartDrag(TDragObject) Inherited from TcxControl.
SystemInfoChanged(Cardinal) Inherited from TcxControl.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
TranslationChanged Inherited from TcxControl.
UnlockDrawing Inherited from TWinControl.
UnlockScrollBars Inherited from TcxControl.
Update Inherited from TControl.
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
UpdateControlState Inherited from TWinControl.
UpdateWithChildren Inherited from TcxControl.
UseRightToLeftAlignment Inherited from TControl.
UseRightToLeftReading Inherited from TControl.
UseRightToLeftScrollBar Inherited from TControl.
WndProc(TMessage) Inherited from TControl.


Name Description
OnActiveTabChanged Occurs on switching between detail levels.
OnAlignInsertBefore Inherited from TWinControl.
OnAlignPosition Inherited from TWinControl.
OnCanResize Inherited from TControl.
OnClick Inherited from TControl.
OnConstrainedResize Inherited from TControl.
OnContextPopup Inherited from TControl.
OnDblClick Inherited from TControl.
OnDockDrop Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDockOver Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDragDrop Inherited from TControl.
OnDragOver Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDock Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnEnter Inherited from TWinControl.
OnExit Inherited from TWinControl.
OnFocusChanged protected Inherited from TcxControl.
OnFocusedViewChanged Allows you to respond to focus movement between grid Views.
OnGesture Inherited from TControl.
OnGetSiteInfo Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyDown Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyPress Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyUp Inherited from TWinControl.
OnLayoutChanged Occurs after the grid layout changes.
OnMouseActivate Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseEnter protected Occurs when the mouse pointer enters into the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
OnMouseLeave protected Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. Inherited from TcxControl.
OnMouseMove Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseUp Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheel Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelUp Inherited from TControl.
OnPrepareLockedStateImage protected Enables you to custom paint a “Locked View“ image.
OnResize Inherited from TControl.
OnStartDock Inherited from TControl.
OnStartDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnUnDock Inherited from TWinControl.
See Also