cxExportSchedulerToFile(string,TcxCustomScheduler,Boolean,Boolean,string,TDateTime,TDateTime,Integer,string[],string,TObject,TEncoding) Method
Exports user events from a scheduler control to a file in the specified format.
procedure cxExportSchedulerToFile(AFileName: string; AScheduler: TcxCustomScheduler; AsTable: Boolean; AShowDialog: Boolean; const AHeader: string; AStart: TDateTime; AFinish: TDateTime; AExportType: Integer; const ASeparators: array of string; const AFileExt: string; AHandler: TObject = nil; AEncoding: TEncoding = nil);
Name | Type | Description |
AFileName | string | The full path to the resulting file. You can omit the file name extension because it is automatically updated from the |
AScheduler | TcxCustomScheduler | The source scheduler control. |
AsTable | Boolean | If |
AShowDialog | Boolean | If |
AHeader | string | Specifies the card header. The data export procedure ignores this parameter if the |
AStart | TDateTime | Specifies the beginning of the export time period that limits exported user events. If the |
AFinish | TDateTime | Specifies the end of the export time period that limits exported user events. If the |
AExportType | Integer | Specifies the target export format. You can pass one of the following public constants as this parameter: cxExportToBinary, cxExportToCSV, cxExportToHtml, cxExportToXml, cxExportToText, cxExportToXlsx. These public constants are declared in the cxExport unit. |
ASeparators | string | Specifies the value separator character as well as the prefix and postfix strings. The |
AFileExt | string | Specifies the file name extension of the resulting file. This parameter value always replaces the file name extension passed as a part of the |
AHandler | TObject | Optional. Specifies a handler object that should implement the IcxExportBeforeSave and/or IcxExportProgress interfaces to allow you to perform specific actions before an export operation and track its progress. Refer to the following topic for detailed information on how to create and use handler objects: How to: Track Data Export Progress. |
AEncoding | TEncoding | Optional. Specifies the character encoding format of the resulting file. If |
The following example demonstrates how to create a report file named “Sport Events.txt” as a table in text format:
// ...
cxExportSchedulerLink, cxExport;
// ...
ATabChar = #9;
AQuoteChar = #34;
cxExportSchedulerToFile('Sport Events',
<Scheduler>, True, False, '',
StrToDateTime('09/01/2010 12:00:01 AM'),
StrToDateTime('10/31/2010 11:59:00 PM'),
cxExportToText, [ATabChar, AQuoteChar, AQuoteChar], 'txt');
The following image shows the code execution result: