How to: Track Data Export Progress
- 3 minutes to read
Multiple DevExpress controls ship with a series of global methods that allow you to export data in multiple formats. Each of these methods has the optional AHandler
parameter that accepts a handler object. This object should implement the IcxExportProgress and/or IcxExportBeforeSave interfaces declared in the cxExport unit to be able to track the progress of an export operation and/or perform custom actions before it. This topic describes how to implement the IcxExportProgress interface to display the progress of data export operations in the TcxProgress control placed on a form.
#Declare a Progress Tracker Class
Derive a tracker class from the TInterfacedObject class and support the IcxExportProgress interface. Add the private FProgressBar
field, the OnProgress procedure declaration, and a constructor as demonstrated in the code example below:
MyProgressTracker = class(TInterfacedObject, IcxExportProgress)
FProgressBar: TcxProgressBar; // Stores a reference to our TcxProgressBar control
// Initializes a reference to the TcxProgressBar control on the main form
constructor Create(AProgressBar: TcxProgressBar);
// Updates the progress bar position during a data export operation
procedure OnProgress(Sender: TObject; Percent: Integer);
#Implement the Progress Tracker Class
constructor MyProgressTracker.Create(AProgressBar: TcxProgressBar);
FProgressBar := AProgressBar;
procedure MyProgressTracker.OnProgress(Sender: TObject; Percent: Integer);
if FProgressBar <> nil then
FProgressBar.Position := Percent; // Updates the progress bar position
#Invoke a Data Export Method
To pass a progress tracker to a data export method, create a MyProgressTracker
class instance and increment the number of references to it. Decrement the reference number after a data export operation when the MyProgressTracker
class instance is no longer needed.
You do not need to manage references to a progress tracker instance manually if you derive the progress tracker class from a form or component.
The following code example creates a progress tracker and passes it to the ExportGridToXLSX procedure to display the export progress in the TcxProgressBar control on the application form:
procedure TfrmMasterDetail.ExportClick(Sender: TObject);
AProgressTracker: MyProgressTracker;
AProgressTracker := MyProgressTracker.Create(cxProgressBar1); // Creates a progress tracker
AProgressTracker._AddRef; // Increments the number of references to the progress tracker
ExportGridToXLSX('Employees.xlsx', cxGrid1, True, True, True, 'xlsx', AProgressTracker);
AProgressTracker._Release; // Decrements the number of references to the progress tracker to release it