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TcxCustomPivotGrid.CopyToClipboard(Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Method

Copies pivot grid data to the clipboard.


procedure CopyToClipboard(ACopyAll: Boolean = False; AIncludeHeaders: Boolean = False; AIncludeAllRowHeaders: Boolean = True; AIncludeAllColumnHeaders: Boolean = True); virtual;


Name Type
ACopyAll Boolean
AIncludeHeaders Boolean
AIncludeAllRowHeaders Boolean
AIncludeAllColumnHeaders Boolean


Pass True as the ACopyAll parameter to copy all data cells to the clipboard. Otherwise, only the selected data cells will be copied.

Pass True as the AIncludeHeaders parameter to include headers (row and/or column field values) in the method’s output. With the AIncludeAllRowHeaders and AIncludeAllColumnHeaders parameter values you can specify which headers (field values) to include:

  • Pass False as the parameter to include only the values of the innermost row/column field;

  • Pass True as the parameter to include the values of all row/column fields.

Pass True as all these method parameters to get the most detailed output.


This method only copies the data cells that are currently displayed in the pivot grid – it does not automatically expand grouping values (drills down on them) to obtain data cell values at higher levels of detail.

See Also