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New Item Row

A new item row is labeled with the ‘Click here to add a new row’ description for the visual cue of detecting its location. To provide it with another descriptive name, use the new item row’s InfoText property. To apply a different style, use the View’s Styles.NewItemRowInfoText property.

This row is visually delimited in a View from other regular rows by a horizontal bar – the new item row’s separator. The ExpressQuantumGrid offers two options that allow this separator to fit your needs. To specify its dimension, use the new item row’s SeparatorWidth property. To change the separator’s appearance, use the new item row’s SeparatorColor property.

As a regular data row, a new item row activates an in-place editor in the space selected by an end-user. When the row loses focus, the entered data is sent to the underlying dataset. After the View is updated with the posted data, the new item row becomes blank (to be more precise, shows its descriptive name) prompting an end-user for new inputs.

See Also