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TrendlineLabel Members

A label displayed on a trendline.


Name Description
Fill Provides access to fill options for the specified drawing object. Inherited from ShapeFormatBase.
Font Provides access to font attributes for text displayed in a chart element. Inherited from ShapeTextFormat.
Layout Enables you to specify the exact position of a trendline label.
NumberFormat Provides access to formatting options for numerical values displayed in trendline labels.
Outline Provides access to the options used to format an outline of the specified drawing object. Inherited from ShapeFormatBase.
Text Provides access to the text displayed in the trendline labels.
TextDirection Gets or sets the text direction in a chart element. Inherited from ShapeTextFormat.
TextRotation Gets or sets the rotation angle of the text in a chart element. Inherited from ShapeTextFormat.


Name Description
ResetToMatchStyle() Removes custom formatting of the chart element and applies default formatting based on the chart style. Inherited from ShapeFormat.
See Also