DataGridExportExtensions Members
Contains extension methods that allow you to export DataGridView content.Methods
Name | Description |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from System.Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from System.Object. |
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, Stream, CsvExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in CSV file with the specified export options.
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in CSV format.
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, String, CsvExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data in CSV format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data in CSV format with the specified path.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, Stream, DocxExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in DOCX format with the specified export options.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in DOCX format.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, String, DocxExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data in DOCX format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data in DOCX format with the specified path.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, Stream, HtmlExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in HTML format with the specified export options.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in HTML format.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, String, HtmlExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data in HTML format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to HTML format with the specified path.
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, Stream, ImageExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream with the specified export options. You can use the options parameter to specify the image’s format.
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static | Exports DataGridView data to a stream with the specified export options. You can use the ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, Stream, ImageExportOptions) method overload to specify another image’s format. |
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, String, ImageExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a PNG image with the specified path and export options. You can use the options parameter to specify the image’s format.
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a PNG image with the specified path. You can use the ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, String, ImageExportOptions) method overload to specify another image’s format.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, Stream, MhtExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in MHT format with the specified export options.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in MHT format.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, String, MhtExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to MHT format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to MHT format with the specified path.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, Stream, PdfExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in PDF format with the specified export options.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in PDF format.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, String, PdfExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to PDF format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to PDF format with the specified path.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, Stream, RtfExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in RTF format with the specified export options.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in RTF format.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, String, RtfExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to RTF format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to MHT format with the specified path.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, Stream, TextExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in TXT format with the specified export options.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in TXT format.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, String, TextExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to TXT format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to TXT format with the specified path.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, Stream, XlsExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLS format with the specified export options.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLS format.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, String, XlsExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to XLS format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to XLS format with the specified path.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, Stream, XlsxExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLSX format with the specified export options.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static |
Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLSX format.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, String, XlsxExportOptions) static |
Exports DataGridView data to XLSX format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, String) static |
Exports DataGridView data to XLSX format with the specified path.
GetExportLink(DataGridView) static | Returns a link used to export the DataGridView control. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from System.Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from System.Object. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from System.Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from System.Object. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from System.Object. |
See Also