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DataGridExportExtensions Members

Contains extension methods that allow you to export DataGridView content.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from System.Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, Stream, CsvExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in CSV file with the specified export options.
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in CSV format.
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, String, CsvExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data in CSV format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToCsvAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data in CSV format with the specified path.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, Stream, DocxExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in DOCX format with the specified export options.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in DOCX format.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, String, DocxExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data in DOCX format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToDocxAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data in DOCX format with the specified path.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, Stream, HtmlExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in HTML format with the specified export options.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in HTML format.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, String, HtmlExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data in HTML format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToHtmlAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to HTML format with the specified path.
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, Stream, ImageExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream with the specified export options. You can use the options parameter to specify the image’s format.
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream with the specified export options. You can use the ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, Stream, ImageExportOptions) method overload to specify another image’s format.
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, String, ImageExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a PNG image with the specified path and export options. You can use the options parameter to specify the image’s format.
ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to a PNG image with the specified path. You can use the ExportToImageAsync(DataGridView, String, ImageExportOptions) method overload to specify another image’s format.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, Stream, MhtExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in MHT format with the specified export options.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in MHT format.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, String, MhtExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to MHT format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToMhtAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to MHT format with the specified path.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, Stream, PdfExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in PDF format with the specified export options.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in PDF format.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, String, PdfExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to PDF format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToPdfAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to PDF format with the specified path.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, Stream, RtfExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in RTF format with the specified export options.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in RTF format.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, String, RtfExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to RTF format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToRtfAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to MHT format with the specified path.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, Stream, TextExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in TXT format with the specified export options.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in TXT format.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, String, TextExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to TXT format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToTextAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to TXT format with the specified path.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, Stream, XlsExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLS format with the specified export options.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLS format.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, String, XlsExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to XLS format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToXlsAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to XLS format with the specified path.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, Stream, XlsxExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLSX format with the specified export options.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, Stream) static Exports DataGridView data to a stream in XLSX format.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, String, XlsxExportOptions) static Exports DataGridView data to XLSX format with the specified path and export options.
ExportToXlsxAsync(DataGridView, String) static Exports DataGridView data to XLSX format with the specified path.
GetExportLink(DataGridView) static Returns a link used to export the DataGridView control.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from System.Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from System.Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from System.Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from System.Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
See Also